Cricket Match

Justice Katju : Husaini Brahmins

Moharram, an important occasion for Muslims, is going on these days, may tell an interesting story in this connection related by Intizar Husain, an eminent Pakistani novelist, short story writer, and poet. is in his own words :WITH the arrival of Muharram this year, I was reminded of an encounter I had with an unusual,…

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Moharram and Holi on same day By Justice Katju

Moharram and Holi on same day By Justice Katju

Tomorrow, 19th July, is the beginning of Moharram, an important day for Muslims, particularly Shias.,Muharram In this connection I may recount a recorded incident.Once in the 1840s or 1850s Holi and Muharram fell coincidentally on the same day. The then Nawab of Avadh, Wajid Ali Shah was a Shia. After taking out the…

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Discrepancies and Doubts Surrounding India's Poverty Statistics: A Deeper Look

Lies, damned lies, and statistics

This article delves into the discrepancies and doubts surrounding India’s poverty statistics, questioning the accuracy of government claims. It explores the challenges of obtaining reliable data in a vast and complex country like India, examines contrasting reports on malnutrition, unemployment, healthcare, and education, and scrutinizes the widening wealth gap amid claims of GDP growth. Discover the complexities of India’s socioeconomic landscape and the ongoing debate over statistical accuracy.

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Justice Katju

Today, 14th July, is Bastille Day.

Bastille DayBy Justice Katju On 14th July 1789 Parisians stormed and destroyed the Bastille, a French prison fort, which symbolised the feudal Ancient Regime, and the French people set about destroying feudalism and creating a modern nation. Similarly, the Indian people ( which includes Pakistanis and Bangladeshis ) have to storm and destroy the…

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