Moharram and Holi on same day By Justice Katju

Tomorrow, 19th July, is the beginning of Moharram, an important day for Muslims, particularly Shias.,Muharram In this connection I may recount a recorded incident.Once […]

Lies, damned lies, and statistics

This article delves into the discrepancies and doubts surrounding India’s poverty statistics, questioning the accuracy of government claims. It explores the challenges of obtaining reliable data in a vast and complex country like India, examines contrasting reports on malnutrition, unemployment, healthcare, and education, and scrutinizes the widening wealth gap amid claims of GDP growth. Discover the complexities of India’s socioeconomic landscape and the ongoing debate over statistical accuracy.

The importance of Urdu poetry in today’s India

Discover the significance of Urdu poetry in contemporary India as emphasized by Justice Katju. Urdu poetry, with its eloquence and power, has historically inspired movements and revolutions. Explore the potential of Urdu poetry to combat social issues, inspire change, and provide solace in turbulent times. Read more on Indica News.

What should Indian Muslims do ?

Indian Muslims, who are about 213 million or 15% of India’s population of about 1400 million ( according to Pew Research Centre ) are today totally confused and perplexed about what they should do. After 2014 they have been politically totally sidelined in India, and atrocities and discrimination against some of them have increased.