Justice Katju Critiques Moeed Pirzada’s Views on Pakistani Diaspora’s Role in Nation Building

Moeed Pirzada

Moeed Pirzada’s superficial understanding By Justice Katju Moeed Pirzada is an upright Pakistani journalist, whom I respect, as he is bravely fighting for restoration of democracy in Pakistan. However, with respect, his recent video talk reveals his inanity and superficial understanding.  Most of his talk is a rambling discourse on Indian history, which everyone is conversant … Read more

Jinnah’s death anniversary and Moeed Pirzada

Jinnah's death anniversary and Moeed Pirzada

The 75th death anniversary of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, was observed on 11th September 2023. On this occasion Moeed Pirzada, the eminent Pakistani journalist, has posted a vlog, given below I respect Moeed who is bravely opposing the reign of terror unleashed in Pakistan by its army. However I regret that in … Read more

Moeed Pirzada and Justice Katju

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I saw this video of the eminent Pakistani journalist Moeed Pirzada a few hours back on Youtube Moeed and I share our common support of former Prime Minister Imran Khan.But in the video above I noticed a certain tone of despondency and low spirit in him, like a nervous nellie. (1) Moeed laboured on the … Read more