Justice Katju

My interview by Moeed Pirzada By Justice Katju

A few days back I was interviewed by the eminent Pakistani journalist Moeed Pirzada, who is presently in Washington, DC. The interview was about an article I had earlier written on the eminent physicist Dr Parvev Hoodbhoy. https://indicanews.com/2023/06/13/justice-markandey-katju-on-dr-pervez-hoodbhoys-superficial-understanding/ The interview is given below ( it has some problems of sound ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmoDYaAIbNI&pp=ygUda2F0anUgbW9lZWQgZGl2aXNpb24gb2YgaW5kaWE%3D Moeed then posted…

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Justice Katju

All caste based reservations for govt jobs or admissions in educational institutions should be abolished By Justice Katju

Recently the US Supreme Court has struck down reservations for blacks and other races in USA as they violate the equality provision in the US Constitution. https://thewire.in/world/us-supreme-court-strikes-down-race-based-affirmative-action-in-college-admissions I submit that the time has come when the Indian Supreme Court, too, must declare all caste based reservations in India as unconstitutional, being violative of the right…

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Justice Katju

Burning the Quran By Justice Katju

An Iraqi immigrant living in Sweden reportedly burnt a copy of the Quran on Wednesday, 28th June, publicly before the Central Mosque of Stockholm in Sweden. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMdf3RAkvFs&pp=ygUVcXVyYW4gYnVybmluZyBzd2VkZW4g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shhPIUDJfs4 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66052670#:~:text=Several%20Muslim%2Dmajority%20countries%20have,Stockholm’s%20central%20mosque%20on%20Wednesday. Many Arab and other Muslim countries have condemned this incident, and protests are still going on in the Muslim world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t3-Y9avOQc&pp=ygUdbXVzbGltcyBjb25kZW1uIHF1cmFuIGJ1cm5pbmc%3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_TFqsm_8lo&pp=ygUdbXVzbGltcyBjb25kZW1uIHF1cmFuIGJ1cm5pbmc%3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFTMNyBVJmE&pp=ygUobXVzbGltcyBwcm90ZXN0IGFnYWluc3QgYnVybmluZyBvZiBxdXJhbg%3D%3D However, Sweden has…

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Justice Markandey Katju

Why are Pakistan Generals so hostile to Imran khan ?

I have been wondering why the Pakistan army is so hostile to former Prime Minister Imran Khan ? After all, he has overwhelming popular support in Pakistan, as he is regarded as broadly honest, as compared to the PDM leaders who are perceived by the people of Pakistan to be totally corrupt ( as indeed the Panama Papers and other evidence shows ), and his PTI party will sweep the polls if eletions are held ( as all opinion polls indicate ).

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