Pakistan Cricket Team warmly welcomed in India

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I was very happy to note that the Pakistan cricket team got a rousing welcome from the Indian public on their arrival in Hyderabad, India to play in the World Cup. The Pakistani media, which is largely anti Indian, and many Pakistanis, were pleasantly surprised at the hearty welcome given to the Pakistan team in India Pakistani Captain … Read more

Justice Katju’s email to CJP Qazi Faez Isa

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To Qazi Faez Isa Hon’ble the Chief Justice of Pakistan Islamabad Dear Brother I saw yesterday on the internet the proceedings ( which were broadcast live ) before the full bench of the Pakistan Supreme Court over which you presided, and I must say I was very disappointed, particularly by the abrasive and aggressive way you behaved, … Read more

My email to the new Chief Justice of Pakistan

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To Hon’ble Qazi Faez Isa Chief Justice Of Pakistan Islamabad Dear Brother, Congratulations on becoming the new Chief Justice of Pakistan.  I saw your oath taking on the internet, and was touched by your fine gesture of asking your wife to stand by your side while taking oath. However, I must tell you that you will be put to two … Read more

In the name of God, go !

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The Chief Justice of Pakistan, Umar Ata Bandial, retired yesterday, 16th September, 2023. What is his legacy ? How will he be remembered ? No Judge is perfect. Some are short tempered and rude in court, some are dim witted and often cannot understand the lawyer’s argument, some know little law, some talk too much … Read more

What is happening in India?

The IOC is keen to woo the cricket loving Indian and South Asian fan base. PTI File

There were some people in India who thought, like Neville Chamberlain at Munich in 1938, that strife can be avoided by appeasement. So they accepted the handing over of the site of the demolished Babri Masjid to right wing Hindu organisations for building a ‘bhavya’ Ram Mandir there, thinking this will end communal strife and tensions in India. … Read more

Jinnah’s death anniversary and Moeed Pirzada

Jinnah's death anniversary and Moeed Pirzada

The 75th death anniversary of Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, was observed on 11th September 2023. On this occasion Moeed Pirzada, the eminent Pakistani journalist, has posted a vlog, given below I respect Moeed who is bravely opposing the reign of terror unleashed in Pakistan by its army. However I regret that in … Read more

An appeal to Hon’ble the CJP Bandial and his Companion Judges of the Pakistan Supreme Court


By Justice Markandey Katju, former Indian Supreme Court Judge, and Arifa Nadeem, a Pakistani attorney Dear CJP Bandial and Hon’ble Judges of Pakistan SC. We are appealing to you to take suo motu action to get Prof Zahoor Mashwani released by issuing a writ of habeas corpus.  The details are given below. Former Prime Minister … Read more

The DMK has assured BJP victory in 2024

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I had earlier thought that the BJP will have to somehow whip up communal hatred and instigate communal riots to win the 2024 lok sabha elections. But now I think that it is unnecessary. The DMK, a coalition partner of the INDIA opposition alliance, has ensured victory for the BJP, without the latter doing anything. Udayanidhi … Read more

Long live the lawyers of Pakistan


A fascist reign of terror has been imposed by the army and police in Pakistan, over ten thousand people have been arrested and jailed on false and frivolous charges, many beaten, tortured, killed, or just ‘disappeared’. The judges, who took an oath to protect the people’s rights, have become deaf and dumb and have turned a Nelson’s eye … Read more

2024 Elections Loom as Communal Tensions Rise: A Critical Issue Ignored

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I have repeatedly said that the test of every state or political activity or system is one, and only one : does it raise the standard of living of the people ? Does it give them better lives ? In other words, does it help in abolishing ( or substantially reducing ) poverty, unemployment, hunger, lack … Read more