ChatGPT’s greatest win might just be its ability to make us think it is honest

ChatGPT’s greatest win might just be its ability to make us think it is honest

[ad_1] Toronto: In American writer Mark Twain’s autobiography, he quotes or perhaps misquotes former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli as saying: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” In a marvellous leap forward, artificial intelligence combines all three in a tidy little package. ChatGPT, and other generative AI chatbots like it,…

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Florida lawmakers hand DeSantis political win on guns

Florida lawmakers hand DeSantis political win on guns

[ad_1] Florida lawmakers approved the legislation just days after a school shooting in Nashville claimed the lives of three children, prompting emotional pleas from Democratic legislators who called the measure a step back after Florida enacted several gun restrictions in the immediate aftermath of the 2018 Parkland massacre where 17 people were killed. “It’s shameful,…

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