We Investigated the Deepest, Darkest Corners of the Internet to Understand Ron DeSantis’ Bizarre New Video

[ad_1] For the most part, this irony-laden variety of homophobia remains a relatively fringe position on the online right. But its prominence in DeSantis’ latest campaign video suggests that it could be seeping into the conservative mainstream, and that might pay dividends among a group of Republican voters. “After all, [DeSantis’s backers] are seeking out … Read more

Vivek Ramaswamy swipes at Ron DeSantis on Disney

Vivek Ramaswamy swipes at Ron DeSantis on Disney

[ad_1] That exemption “undermines the credibility of his crusade,” Ramaswamy said. DeSantis’ battle with Disney began after the Florida Republicans’ passed a bill to limit discussion of sexual orientation and gender in schools, known colloquially as the “Don’t Say Gay” law. The Republican governor has ramped up his attacks on the company in the recent … Read more

Ron DeSantis in Guantánamo: how questions about his past haunt the Florida governor

Ron DeSantis in Guantánamo: how questions about his past haunt the Florida governor

[ad_1] In the middle of a June night 17 years ago in the Guantánamo prison camp, guards and medical orderlies were urgently summoned to one of the inmate clinics, where an emergency was unfolding. Two inmates, Ali Abdullah Ahmed and Mani Shaman al-Utaybi, had been brought in dead. A third, Yasser Talal al-Zahrani, had been … Read more

The one big advantage Ron De$antis has: Tons and tons of cash

The one big advantage Ron De$antis has: Tons and tons of cash

[ad_1] And that’s all without him opening an official campaign committee account. DeSantis’ financial advantage looms over the Republican field: Most contenders have cash balances on orders of magnitude lower than his. It far outpaces lower-polling contenders like the pair of South Carolinians, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Sen. Tim Scott. Even the super … Read more

Ron DeSantis Has His Own State-Affiliated Media

Ron DeSantis Has His Own State-Affiliated Media

[ad_1] Many of the Florida Standard’s headlines read like press releases that come straight from the governor’s communications office: “Popular Congressman Explains Why He Prefers DeSantis Over Trump for President in 2024.” “First Lady to Help Furry Friends Find a Home in Tallahassee.” “Sarasota Memorial Hospital Pushing Radical LGBTQ+ Employee Training.” But like many DeSantis … Read more

Ron Klain: ‘Sexism and racism are part of the problem’ with Harris criticism

Ron Klain: ‘Sexism and racism are part of the problem’ with Harris criticism

[ad_1] White House chief of staff Jeff Zients said on Twitter that Harris was “an invaluable, relentless voice for the American people.” Ron Klain’s comments come after a story last month stated that Harris was “gearing up for another national campaign,” despite bad poll numbers and concerns about her from Democrats. | Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images … Read more

Ron DeCeasefire: US presidential hopeful DeSantis calls for truce in Ukraine

Ron DeCeasefire: US presidential hopeful DeSantis calls for truce in Ukraine

[ad_1] Florida’s Republican governor and wannabe presidential candidate Ron DeSantis said Tuesday he supported the idea of a ceasefire in Ukraine — a move long opposed by Kyiv, which has set reclaiming its lost territory as a precondition for any talks with Russia. “It’s in everybody’s interest to try to get to a place where … Read more

Trump’s beer track advantage over Ron DeSantis

Trump’s beer track advantage over Ron DeSantis

[ad_1] Trump has a 17-point lead among Republicans without a college degree (up from a 10-point lead in February). And while DeSantis still leads among voters with a four-year degree, 40 percent to 28 percent, Trump has significantly cut into what was a 29-point deficit with those voters in the past month. Even were he … Read more

Ron DeSantis has one very big problem: Donald Trump

Ron DeSantis has one very big problem: Donald Trump

[ad_1] DeSantis was compelled to reverse course on his public skepticism about the war in Ukraine following criticism from mainstay Republicans. His poll numbers have dipped. And he was dragged into the very thing he’d been trying to avoid: a public brawl with his chief rival, Donald Trump, whose attack dogs smelled blood. Even Republicans … Read more