Cardin not running for reelection, opening blue-state Senate seat

Cardin not running for reelection, opening blue-state Senate seat

[ad_1] The genial Marylander had been been contemplating his plans for months as Democrats eyed his seat. The 79-year-old Cardin is a fixture in Maryland politics, serving first in the statehouse, then the House and then in the Senate since 2007. He’s the third Senate Democrat to announce they won’t run for reelection, joining Sens. … Read more

How Jill Biden helped Joe get to yes on running for reelection at 80

How Jill Biden helped Joe get to yes on running for reelection at 80

[ad_1] “She sees herself as a wife and a mom and a nana. And what wife, mom and Nana wouldn’t defend their family?” one senior Biden adviser said. “She is going to defend her family and take issues with attacks on her family. But she has been in politics a long time. And so they’re … Read more

Biden pushes back on concerns about age and low approval amid 2024 reelection bid: ‘I feel good’

Biden pushes back on concerns about age and low approval amid 2024 reelection bid: ‘I feel good’

[ad_1] But voters will be the ultimate decider about whether he’s too old for office, he added. His answer marks his first public comments on the 2024 race after Tuesday’s launch — and his first addressing the obstacles hovering over his reelection bid. “I respect them taking a hard look at it. I’ve taken a … Read more

Biden dives back in, announces reelection bid

Biden dives back in, announces reelection bid

[ad_1] “The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom. More rights or fewer. I know what I want the answer to be and I think you do, too,” he said. “This is not a time to be complacent. That’s why I’m running for re-election.” Biden, … Read more

Biden eyeing former Booker campaign aide for top reelection role

Biden eyeing former Booker campaign aide for top reelection role

[ad_1] Both people familiar with the deliberations cautioned that no decision has been made. But Biden’s consideration of Tyler for the senior position is another marker of a campaign in waiting inching closer to an actual announcement. The president is slated to release a video as soon as Tuesday that would formally declare his intention … Read more

Why Biden world cares — a lot — about when he announces his reelection

Why Biden world cares — a lot — about when he announces his reelection

[ad_1] One camp argues, essentially, why push? Nobody of note in the party is going to challenge Biden and he can appear above the fray if he just keeps being … president. They point to the images of his daring voyage into Kyiv, Ukraine. More recently, Biden was greeted like a hero in his motherland … Read more

Biden to launch re-election campaign next week: Report

Biden to launch re-election campaign next week: Report

[ad_1] Washington: US President Joe Biden is preparing to announce his re-election campaign next week, a media outlet has reported. Biden’s team has been working on a video that could be released on Tuesday, the fourth anniversary of his 2020 election run, The Washington Post reported, citing unidentified officials, who, it added, have warned that … Read more

Biden prepares to launch reelection bid as soon as next week

Biden prepares to launch reelection bid as soon as next week

[ad_1] Some in the president’s orbit, seeing his standing buoyed by Democrats’ strong showing in last year’s midterms, saw no reason to rush his reelection declaration, pointing to a lack of intraparty challengers and a chaotic Republican primary field. But others have pushed for an announcement sooner than later, to begin fundraising for an expensive … Read more

George Santos launches 2024 reelection bid

George Santos launches 2024 reelection bid

[ad_1] Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.), flanked by aides, walks to his office on Capitol Hill on Jan. 25, 2023. | Francis Chung/POLITICO Rep. George Santos is running for reelection in 2024, the embattled freshman announced on Monday — despite recent filings showing his congressional campaign lost money during the first quarter of 2023. “I am … Read more

Biden’s poll numbers look grim as he preps for reelection bid

Biden’s poll numbers look grim as he preps for reelection bid

[ad_1] According to FiveThirtyEight, Biden’s average approval rating stands at 43 percent, about 9 points lower than his 52 percent disapproval rating. That’s only 1 point higher than Trump’s FiveThirtyEight approval rating on April 15, 2019, at the same point in his one-term presidency. Determining the extent to which Biden’s poor job rating endangers his … Read more