Justice Katju

Why my dream of visiting Pakistan will never become a reality

I am very keen to visit Pakistan, and see the beautiful places and meet the wonderful people there. But I know this will remain only a dream https://www.sunrisetoday.pk/single/315 https://indicanews.com/justice-katju-my-dream-of-visiting-lahore I am particularly keen to see Lahore, with which I have a strong 125 year old connection from the time of my revered grandfather D KN Katju who went to study…

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Long live the brave people of Kashmir

Being a Kashmiri myself, I salute the Kashmiris who are holding massive protests and agitations in the Pakistan army occupied Kashmir against inflation, particularly huge rise in electricity bills and prices of foodstuffs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzY8RTO61xk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5alTsyD2Uk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cUM8vI_YZQ&t=15s&pp=ygUka2FzaG1pcmkgcHJvdGVzdG9ycyB3YXZlIGluZGlhbiBmbGFn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQe6gZNNJx4&pp=ygUka2FzaG1pcmkgcHJvdGVzdG9ycyB3YXZlIGluZGlhbiBmbGFn To many it seem that such protests will achieve nothing, but to my mind they have a historical…

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Attempt to Silence the Media in Pakistan

Unprecedented media suppression in Pakistan as journalist’s critical interview is silenced amid a government crackdown. Concerns rise over threats to free speech and expression. A disquieting thing happened yesterday. Three days back a Pakistani journalist Ali Hasnain Shah, who works as researcher/producer with Khabarhar Team of Aftab Iqbal, called me on whatsapp and said he wants to…

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People’s guerrilla war in Pakistan has begun 

I had written articles recently predicting that a people’s guerrilla war will begin soon in Pakistan against the Pakistan military, since the latter have inflicted horrible atrocities on the people, and tried to choke the people’s mouths by unleashing a reign of terrorhttps://indicanews.com/justice-markandey-katju-terrible-times-are-coming-to-pakistan/ https://indicanews.com/justice-katju-nawaz-sharifs-return-will-set-the-pakistani-prairie-on-fire/ It seems the people’s guerilla war has begun even sooner than I had…

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