The Relentless Campaign to Fix Democracy, Starting in Minnesota

The Relentless Campaign to Fix Democracy, Starting in Minnesota

[ad_1] In the meantime, Donald Trump had happened. However one felt about candidates winning without majorities, ranked choice voting’s potential to reduce extremism and encourage broad-based appeals suddenly made it feel much more urgent. And Minnesota had run out of new cities to enroll. In 2020 Massey approached her board with an audacious plan to … Read more

Minnesota Dem reports attack at her D.C. apartment building

Minnesota Dem reports attack at her D.C. apartment building

[ad_1] She greeted the suspect and as she entered her elevator, the suspect entered along with her and started doing pushups before punching Craig in the chin and then grabbing her neck, the report said. She threw her hot coffee at the suspect to get away, the report continued, and escaped. Officers searched the basement … Read more

Klobuchar rising: Leadership path opens for Minnesota Dem

Klobuchar rising: Leadership path opens for Minnesota Dem

[ad_1] After rising quietly but steadily since dropping out of the White House hunt nearly three years ago to endorse President Joe Biden, Klobuchar now chairs the Senate Rules Committee and, as chief of the Democratic Steering Committee, sits fourth in the leadership hierarchy. The 62-year-old could keep testing how big her internal clout can … Read more