Long live the brave people of Kashmir

Being a Kashmiri myself, I salute the Kashmiris who are holding massive protests and agitations in the Pakistan army occupied Kashmir against inflation, particularly huge rise in electricity bills and prices of foodstuffs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzY8RTO61xk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5alTsyD2Uk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cUM8vI_YZQ&t=15s&pp=ygUka2FzaG1pcmkgcHJvdGVzdG9ycyB3YXZlIGluZGlhbiBmbGFn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQe6gZNNJx4&pp=ygUka2FzaG1pcmkgcHJvdGVzdG9ycyB3YXZlIGluZGlhbiBmbGFn To many it seem that such protests will achieve nothing, but to my mind they have a historical…

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Court Quashes PSA Against Kashmiri Journalist

Court Quashes PSA Against Kashmiri Journalist

[ad_1] SRINAGAR: On Thursday, the Jammu Kashmir High Court overturned the Public Safety Act of Kashmiri journalist Fahad Shah, who has been detained at Kot Balwal jail in Jammu since June 2022, nearly 300 kilometres away from his home in Srinagar’s Soura. Despite calls from organizations such as the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) for…

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