Nelson Mandela’s Inspiring Journey: From Activist to President in 5 Key Milestones, a Legacy of Equality and Hope

Nelson Mandela's Inspiring Journey

Explore the extraordinary journey of Nelson Mandela, from his early activism against apartheid to becoming South Africa’s first black president. Learn about his legacy of equality, justice, and reconciliation that continues to inspire millions worldwide.

Telangana: Workers union demands compensation, justice for Swiggy rider’s kin

Telangana: Workers union demands compensation, justice for Swiggy rider’s kin

[ad_1] Hyderabad: Telangana Gig and Platform Workers’ Union (TGPWU) have demanded justice for the Swiggy delivery boy who lost his life in a tragic road accident on May 5. Raju, 31, a resident of the Gandhi colony met with a fatal road accident while delivering food in Alwal of Hyderabad following which he was rushed … Read more

Chief justice must implement strong ethics code, Sen. Dick Durbin says

Chief justice must implement strong ethics code, Sen. Dick Durbin says

[ad_1] “I keep calling on Chief Justice Roberts to make a move and say something and solve this problem,” Durbin told host Jake Tapper. “He has the power to do it for the Roberts Court. But other justices can speak out as well.” Durbin also said “everything is on the table” but didn’t offer any … Read more

Republicans get Justice in West Virginia Senate race

Republicans get Justice in West Virginia Senate race

[ad_1] Manchin has said he will not decide whether he will run for reelection until the end of the year. He has also left the door open to a presidential bid. “I am laser focused on doing the job West Virginians elected me to do — lowering healthcare costs, protecting Social Security and Medicare, shoring … Read more

Proud Boys leader, awaiting Jan. 6 sedition verdict, assails Justice Department

Proud Boys leader, awaiting Jan. 6 sedition verdict, assails Justice Department

[ad_1] “I’m the next stepping stone,” Tarrio said in the call, which was broadcast to a freewheeling Twitter Space organized by the Gateway Pundit, a far-right media outlet known for promoting conspiracy theories about Jan. 6 and the government. Tarrio’s attorneys used their closing arguments in court Tuesday morning to lay blame for the Jan. … Read more

Chief Justice John Roberts declines to appear at Senate judiciary hearing

Chief Justice John Roberts declines to appear at Senate judiciary hearing

[ad_1] John Roberts, the US supreme court chief justice, has declined to testify at a forthcoming hearing before the Senate judiciary committee that is expected to focus on judicial ethics. The committee’s Democratic chairman, Dick Durbin, had asked the chief justice to appear before the panel to address potential reforms to ethical rules governing the … Read more

Jim Justice plans Senate launch for next week

Jim Justice plans Senate launch for next week

[ad_1] Still, Justice is known to change plans suddenly. While the event is set for Thursday, he could still punt a decision to later. In the primary, he will first have to face GOP Rep. Alex Mooney, for whom the anti-tax Club for Growth has already pledged to spend at least $10 million. But Justice, … Read more

Poonch attack: Families of soldiers from Punjab inconsolable, ask for justice

Poonch attack: Families of soldiers from Punjab inconsolable, ask for justice

[ad_1] Chandigarh: Grief and anger echoed through the villages of four soldiers from Punjab who were among the five killed in a terrorist attack in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch, with their family members demanding that the Army give a befitting reply to the “cowardly act”. The soldiers’ families were inconsolable as they waited for them … Read more

SC collegium recalls recommendation to transfer Justice Muralidhar to Madras HC

SC collegium recalls recommendation to transfer Justice Muralidhar to Madras HC

[ad_1] New Delhi: The Supreme Court collegium on Wednesday recalled its earlier recommendation to transfer Orissa High Court Chief Justice S. Muralidhar to Madras High Court. The collegium, headed by Chief Justice of India D.Y. Chandrachud, in a statement uploaded on apex court’s website, said: “The collegium resolved on 28 September 2022 to transfer Dr … Read more