France urged to outlaw hair discrimination against afros and braids

France urged to outlaw hair discrimination against afros and braids

[ad_1] France must introduce a law banning hair discrimination against natural afro hairstyles and braids, a lawmaker from Guadeloupe has argued as he prepares a cross-party bill to be presented to parliament in the autumn. “Just as the Republic’s motto is ‘liberty, equality, fraternity’, this is about allowing everyone to be as they are and … Read more

Senate GOP blocks measure looking to prohibit sex discrimination in Constitution

Senate GOP blocks measure looking to prohibit sex discrimination in Constitution

[ad_1] A later vote extended the deadline to 1982, but a sufficient number of states still did not ratify. The Senate’s resolution would remove the 1982 deadline and recognize the ERA in the Constitution. The measure was bipartisan, sponsored by Sens. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska). But all Republicans save for Murkowski and … Read more

‘Discrimination in Shariat law’: SC to hear plea on equal property share to females

‘Discrimination in Shariat law’: SC to hear plea on equal property share to females

[ad_1] New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to hear a plea filed by a Muslim woman who claimed the provision of Shariat law to the extent of not giving an equal share to a female compared to a male is “discriminatory” and violative of the rights guaranteed under the Constitution. A bench of … Read more

Seattle City Council votes to ban caste discrimination

Seattle City Council votes to ban caste discrimination

[ad_1] Seattle: The Seattle City Council voted today to pass a landmark ordinance to ban caste discrimination in Seattle City. The legislation, introduced by Councilmember Kshama Sawant, outlaws caste-based discrimination. This historic decision will have far-reaching implications for the oppressed castes in the States, and everywhere that the evils of caste have spread. “We thank … Read more

IIT B student death: Family says he faced caste discrimination; suspects ‘murder’

IIT B student death: Family says he faced caste discrimination; suspects ‘murder’

[ad_1] Ahmedabad/Mumbai: The family of an IIT-Bombay student who allegedly committed suicide has claimed he faced discrimination at the premier institute for belonging to a Scheduled Caste community and suspected foul play in his death, while the Mumbai police on Wednesday said they have started recording statements of his hostel mates as part of their … Read more

Ban caste discrimination: Ambedkar Intl Center to Seattle City Council

Ban caste discrimination: Ambedkar Intl Center to Seattle City Council

[ad_1] The Ambedkar International Center, Inc. (AIC), a US-based civil rights group that fights against caste oppression, and other groups have asked the Seattle City Council to ban caste-based discrimination. The proposed ordinance, officially introduced by Councilmember Kshama Sawant, would put Seattle at the national forefront of protecting the caste-discriminated. The proposed ordinance for the … Read more