Black Caucus presses Senate Dems to blow up tradition on judges

Black Caucus presses Senate Dems to blow up tradition on judges

[ad_1] So the Black Caucus, joined by a coalition of progressive groups, is turning up the heat on Senate Democrats in what’s becoming the most consequential battle over chamber rules since Democrats tried last year to weaken the filibuster. “I don’t know why anyone, let alone Senate Democrats, would hold up a Jim Crow practice,” … Read more

How McCarthy could pick off centrist Dems with 4 debt-limit ideas

How McCarthy could pick off centrist Dems with 4 debt-limit ideas

[ad_1] On several occasions during debt-limit negotiations over the last decade, the unpredictable fallout of a looming deadline has helped persuade dozens of lawmakers from each party to begrudgingly support concessions they didn’t love. This time, ideas like beefing up work requirements for food assistance programs aren’t gaining the bipartisan appeal Republicans might have hoped … Read more

Senate Dems plan hearings to pick apart GOP debt deal

Senate Dems plan hearings to pick apart GOP debt deal

[ad_1] The Senate Budget Committee hearing on Thursday will feature Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics and leaders of the Environmental Defense Fund and the Solar Energy Industries Association. Republicans and Democrats remain at loggerheads over debt ceiling negotiations, just as entrenched as they were before the House passed its GOP debt ceiling … Read more

Dems prep to hammer GOP debt bill on campaign trail

Dems prep to hammer GOP debt bill on campaign trail

[ad_1] House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) set the tone at the beginning of the week, privately telling Democrats in a leadership meeting that the debt vote could be framed to the American people in the same way liberals responded to Republican efforts to privatize Social Security, repeal Obamacare and pass the 2017 tax cut … Read more

Dems relish Trump-Biden rematch

Dems relish Trump-Biden rematch

[ad_1] “Trump’s obviously an extremely dangerous person who would be very dangerous for the country. But I’m confident that President Biden could beat him,” the retiring senator said in an interview. “Politically, for us, it’s helpful if former President Trump is front and center.” “Broadly,” Stabenow added, “the public rejects him.” As Trump reels in … Read more

House Dems worry Biden ‘can’t keep waiting’ on McCarthy debt meet

House Dems worry Biden ‘can’t keep waiting’ on McCarthy debt meet

[ad_1] “They’ve got to do it soon,” Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.), a close White House ally, said of a Biden-McCarthy sitdown, adding that while she believes there will ultimately be a clean debt-ceiling increase, the administration “can’t keep waiting.” Democratic lawmakers have already pressed that point in private, according to two people close to the … Read more

Senate Dems wrestle with Feinstein resignation chatter

Senate Dems wrestle with Feinstein resignation chatter

[ad_1] “The question is, how long until she goes back? So if it’s three months, I don’t know, that becomes a really difficult question. If it’s a couple of weeks? I’m fine with it,” said Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-Colo.). “I’m not going to pressure her one way or the other. But I think, you know, … Read more

Senate Dems weighing a Clarence Thomas invite to future Supreme Court ethics hearing

Senate Dems weighing a Clarence Thomas invite to future Supreme Court ethics hearing

[ad_1] Earlier in the day, when asked if he’d consider subpoenaing Thomas for his testimony, Durbin told reporters that his panel would “talk about a number of options.” Thomas’ behavior was “high on the list” of topics discussed Monday evening, said Blumenthal, who added that there is no final decision yet on who else should … Read more

Surprise lesson from Wisconsin: Abortion may not be panacea for Dems

Surprise lesson from Wisconsin: Abortion may not be panacea for Dems

[ad_1] “We were careful to create a narrative early on about who Janet was, what was at stake in this election and who Dan Kelly was, and abortion fit within that,” Guarasci said. “Our paid media ends with ‘he’s an extremist that doesn’t care about us.’ Everything related back to that.” The insights from Protasiewicz’s … Read more

Ouster of Tennessee Dems catapults lawmakers to national political fame

Ouster of Tennessee Dems catapults lawmakers to national political fame

[ad_1] Already, top party members are engaging. Vice President Kamala Harris plans to make an unexpected visit to Nashville to meet with the ousted lawmakers and push for gun reform, the Tennessean reported Friday. And it’s unlikely the pair will be gone from the state Capitol building for long – local leaders are already moving … Read more