Europe’s disunity over China deepens

Europe’s disunity over China deepens

[ad_1] BRUSSELS — Just when you thought Europe’s China policy could not be more disunited, the two most powerful countries of the European Union are now also at odds over whether to revive a moribund investment agreement with the authoritarian superpower. For France, resuscitating the so-called EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) is “less urgent” and “just … Read more

EU chiefs flew to UN climate talks in private jet

EU chiefs flew to UN climate talks in private jet

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. The EU’s joint presidents flew to last year’s U.N. climate talks in Egypt aboard a private jet, according to data seen by POLITICO that revealed heavy use of private flights by European Council President Charles Michel. The flight data, received through a freedom … Read more

‘We are all Ukrainian.’ How the yellow-and-blue flag won over Europe

‘We are all Ukrainian.’ How the yellow-and-blue flag won over Europe

[ad_1] The yellow-and-blue flag of Ukraine has become a powerful symbol for millions of people across the Western world who want to express their solidarity with the victims of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggression. Adopted officially in 1992, the year after Ukraine gained its independence from the Soviet Union, the banner represents the country’s pride … Read more

‘Oh my God, it’s really happening’

‘Oh my God, it’s really happening’

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. Kaja Kallas had been dreading the call. “I woke at 5 o’clock,” the Estonian prime minister recalled recently. The phone was ringing. Her Lithuanian counterpart was on the line.  “Oh my God, it’s really happening,” came the ominous words, according to Kallas. Another … Read more

Ukraine to get cold shoulder on rapid EU entry

Ukraine to get cold shoulder on rapid EU entry

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. Top EU leaders are traveling to Ukraine this week, but they won’t be bringing promises that the war-torn country can join the bloc anytime soon. Brussels is expected to pour cold water on Ukraine’s hopes that it could swiftly join the EU during … Read more

Ukraine wants to join EU within two years, PM says

Ukraine wants to join EU within two years, PM says

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal has a tight two-year timetable for securing EU membership that is bound to dominate discussions at this week’s historic EU-Ukraine summit, the first to take place on Ukrainian soil. The problem? No one within the EU thinks this … Read more