‘Cigarettes’ and chocolate ‘coins’: Justice declares Pan bankrupt

[ad_1] The company recognized the inability to continue operating and honor debts, in the amount of R$ 260 million and currently had 52 employees. (Credit: Reproduction/Disclosure) Pan Produtos Alimentícios, known for its chocolate products in the shape of cigarettes and coins, was declared bankrupt this Monday (27) by the 1st Regional Court of Business Competence … Read more

Abencia Meza: her ex-partner betrayed her, sold her property and left her bankrupt

Abencia Meza: her ex-partner betrayed her, sold her property and left her bankrupt

[ad_1] Singer Abencia Meza, Incarcerated in the San Monica prison, she witnessed the bankruptcy of her businesses. In addition, her ex-partner Zundy Culquimboz sold one of her properties. Abencia Meza he lost almost everything. The folk music singer, who is serving a sentence for the crime against Alicia Delgado, pleads for her release. “D-Day” contacted … Read more

PSOE and Podemos head to the plenary session of 7-M without agreeing on the ‘yes is yes’ and bankrupt by the war

[ad_1] Sánchez passes before the seats of Belarra and Montero during a session in Congress. / PS With the negotiation broken on the reform of the law, Robles and Albares reply to Belarra that Spain will not send soldiers to Ukraine The clock is ticking but the initial positions are not moving even one iota … Read more

Pak Defence Minister acknowledges country has already gone bankrupt

Pak Defence Minister acknowledges country has already gone bankrupt

[ad_1] Sialkot: Pakistan’s Defence Minister Khawaja Asif suggested on Saturday that one-fourth of Pakistans debt could be paid off if only two golf clubs built on expensive government land are sold, media reports said. The minister acknowledged that the country has already gone bankrupt, and that the solution to the country’s problems lies within the … Read more

‘Intellectually bankrupt’: Biden allies blast GOP debt-limit backup plan

‘Intellectually bankrupt’: Biden allies blast GOP debt-limit backup plan

[ad_1] The White House and Treasury are already putting up resistance to the idea, which Treasury says would amount to a default. But disclosures over the past several years — driven in part by investigations by House Republicans — have revealed that officials believe the government has the technical capacity to implement payment prioritization, though … Read more