Sule Denies Probe, Demands BJP Apology

In a highly anticipated speech during a special session of Parliament, Baramati MP and NCP leader Supriya Sule refuted allegations of seeking a probe against her cousin, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar. She instead demanded an apology from the BJP for making corruption allegations against her and her party.

In a remarkable address before the Lok Sabha during a special session of Parliament, Supriya Sule, the Member of Parliament from Baramati and prominent leader of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), clarified her stance on recent controversies surrounding her and her family. Sule’s speech, which included the statement “No one should get a brother like him,” generated significant attention and speculation.

Sule began by asserting that she had not demanded a probe against her cousin, Ajit Pawar, who serves as the Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra. Instead, she insisted that her primary concern was the corruption allegations made against her party by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the demand for an apology from the BJP.

“I have not demanded a probe against Ajit Pawar. I have not taken any individual’s names,” Sule affirmed during her parliamentary address. “I only asked the Prime Minister to reply to the corruption allegation made by their lead speaker against us. I sought special comments as the BJP had made allegations against me and the Congress.”

Sule clarified her statement, “No one should get a brother like this,” explaining that it was not directed at any specific individual, including her cousin. She stressed that her speeches in Parliament were not limited to individuals and that her remarks aimed to address broader issues.

“Every time I speak, it is not about an individual. Why is it applicable only to me?” Sule questioned. “My response in Parliament came after Home Minister Amit Shah said that when it comes to the issue of women, why should women take the lead… What is wrong if a man takes the lead? I told Amitbhai that not all brothers give justice to their sisters…”

Furthermore, Sule called on the BJP to apologize for what she considered baseless allegations of corruption against her and her party. She emphasized that her intent was not to target specific individuals but to hold the BJP accountable for its accusations.

“I have not taken individuals’ names… The BJP keeps making allegations of corruption against its opponents. After the allegations are made, if the opponents join hands with the BJP, then the allegations disappear. Then in this case, the BJP should tell us whether the allegation of corruption was false,” Sule asserted. “If so, then the BJP should apologize for lying… It should tell the people that it made false allegations. If the allegations are true, then the BJP should say that it is not against corruption but encourages corruption… I protest against this dual standard of the BJP.”

Sule’s speech came in the wake of income tax raids conducted on the properties of her sisters in October 2021, a move she criticized as politically motivated.

In conclusion, Supriya Sule used her parliamentary platform to clarify her stance on recent controversies, denying allegations of seeking a probe against her cousin while demanding accountability from the BJP for its corruption allegations.

News Summary:

  • Supriya Sule, NCP leader and Baramati MP, clarified in Parliament that she did not seek a probe against her cousin, Ajit Pawar, but demanded an apology from the BJP for making corruption allegations against her party.
  • Sule explained that her statement “No one should get a brother like this” was not aimed at any specific individual and called for broader accountability in politics.
  • She criticized the BJP for making allegations of corruption against opponents and urged them to clarify the truth behind these claims.
  • Sule’s speech came after income tax raids on her sisters’ properties in October 2021, which she regarded as politically motivated

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