Sri Lankan Envoy Backs India Amid Canada’s Allegations

Outgoing Sri Lankan High Commissioner to India, Milinda Moragoda, has voiced his support for India in the ongoing India-Canada row, commending India’s resolute response to allegations made by Canada. Speaking at a press conference, Moragoda emphasized Sri Lanka’s unwavering stance against terrorism, expressing solidarity with India.

In-Depth Article:

Amid escalating tensions between India and Canada, the outgoing Sri Lankan High Commissioner to India, Milinda Moragoda, has thrown his weight behind India, lauding the country’s unwavering response to allegations made by Canada. Moragoda made these remarks during a recent press conference, highlighting the shared concerns of India and Sri Lanka regarding terrorism.

Clear and Firm Response:
When questioned about Canada’s allegations against India, Moragoda stated, “I think India’s response has been inequitable and also firm and direct. And I think as far as we are concerned, we support India on that. Having said that, also, in my lifetime now, I’m 60 years old, 40 years of my life, we have spent facing various forms of terrorism in Sri Lanka.” He went on to express the deep toll terrorism has taken on Sri Lanka, saying, “I have lost many friends and colleagues to terrorism. We have all seen many Sri Lankans have died due to terrorism. So, therefore, our position on these matters, I think is very clear because we have endured and we have suffered. And as a country that has gone through that tolerance for terrorism is zero tolerance.”

Escalation of India-Canada Tensions:
Relations between India and Canada have grown strained following Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement on September 18, in which he accused India of involvement in the fatal shooting of Khalistan Tiger Force chief Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada. Nijjar, previously designated a terrorist in India, was fatally shot outside a Gurdwara in Surrey, Canada, on June 18. India swiftly rejected these accusations, labeling them “absurd” and “motivated.”

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) stated, “Allegations of the Government of India’s involvement in any act of violence in Canada are absurd and motivated,” firmly denying any wrongdoing.

Political Motives Alleged:
In response to Canada’s claims, MEA Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi indicated, “Yes, I do think there is a degree of prejudice here. They have made allegations and taken action against them. To us, it seems that these allegations by the government of Canada are primarily politically driven,” during a weekly press briefing. He also noted that Canada had not provided any specific information regarding Nijjar’s death, despite India’s willingness to investigate any such information.

As tensions persist, both India and Canada face the challenge of resolving the diplomatic impasse while preserving their bilateral ties.

News Summary:

Outgoing Sri Lankan High Commissioner to India, Milinda Moragoda, has expressed support for India in the India-Canada row, praising India’s firm and direct response to allegations made by Canada. Sri Lanka’s stance against terrorism aligns with India’s, emphasizing zero tolerance for terrorism. Tensions between India and Canada escalated after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused India of involvement in the killing of Khalistan Tiger Force chief Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada. India has vehemently denied the allegations, labeling them politically motivated, while calling for specific information from Canada.

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