SJVN OFS: Stock tanks 10% as floor price at Rs 69 reflects 16% discount

Shares of SJVN Limited, the state-owned hydroelectric power generation company, tumbled by 10% today following the announcement of an Offer for Sale (OFS) with a floor price set at Rs 69 per share, signaling a substantial 16% discount to its prevailing market value.

The decision to offer shares at a discounted rate has attracted widespread attention from investors and market analysts, raising questions about the strategic implications behind this move.

Offer for Sale (OFS) Overview

  • Discounted Floor Price: The floor price for SJVN’s OFS has been set at Rs 69 per share, representing a 16% discount to the stock’s market price.
  • Volume of Shares: The government intends to offload a significant volume of SJVN shares through the OFS.

Market Reaction

In response to the news of the OFS, SJVN’s stock, listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE), experienced a sharp decline of 10%, closing at Rs 73.50 on the BSE.

Analyst Insights

Market experts are closely monitoring this development, with some speculating on the possible reasons behind the decision to offer shares at a discount. Mr. Rajesh Sharma, a senior analyst at Investwise Securities, commented, “A 16% discount is unusually steep for a government-owned company like SJVN. It suggests the government’s eagerness to divest its stake in the company or perhaps raise capital quickly.”

Government’s Stance

The government has not issued an official statement regarding its motives behind the OFS. However, officials have emphasized the need to raise funds for various development initiatives and infrastructure projects.

Investor Sentiment

The OFS has ignited mixed sentiments among investors. While some see it as an opportunity to acquire SJVN shares at a lower price, others are concerned about the implications of the government’s decision on the company’s long-term prospects.

Looking Ahead

The SJVN OFS will undoubtedly be closely monitored by investors and market observers in the coming days. The extent to which the market adjusts to the discounted floor price will provide valuable insights into investor confidence and the government’s divestment strategy.


  • SJVN shares plummeted by 10% after the announcement of the Offer for Sale (OFS) with a floor price of Rs 69 per share, marking a 16% discount.
  • Market analysts are speculating about the reasons behind this significant discount, with some suggesting it may indicate the government’s eagerness to divest its stake or raise capital.
  • The government has not officially disclosed its motives for the OFS but has emphasized the need for funds for development initiatives.
  • Investor sentiment is divided, with some seeing the OFS as an opportunity and others expressing concerns about its long-term impact.
  • The market’s response to the discounted floor price will provide important insights into investor confidence and the government’s divestment strategy.

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