Mumbai: She has already mesmerized Dior’s current creative director Maria Grazia Chiuri, who tagged her as ‘India’s most iconic woman’. Veteran beauty Rekha looked resplendent in her traditional Kanjivaram saree at Dior’s India-inspired pre-fall 2023 show on Thursday evening.
The ‘Silsila’ actor had a fun moment with the paps stationed at the Gateway of India, where the show was held. Rekha greeted the paps with folded hands.
The actor chose a gorgeous pink Kanjivaram saree for the occasion. Her hair was neatly tied in a bun and she decorated it with flowers. She completed the look with a golden potli and heavy jewellery. The actor also posed with Sonam Kapoor later.
After meeting Rekha before the show, Maria Grazia Chiuri wrote about her experience on Instagram. She wrote, “I was so touched to meet the iconic Rekhagi last night for the first time. India’s most iconic woman and an incredible actress. I am so grateful you have joined us last night, it was a true honour.” For that event, Rekha chose a pure white saree.
Set against the backdrop of the iconic Gateway of India, the French fashion brand celebrated the richness of Indian textiles and the show itself marked the first official calendar display by a prominent European luxury brand in India.
Maria Grazia Chiuri, Dior’s current artistic director of women’s collections, has collaborated with Mumbai-based atelier Chanakya School Of Craft to put together the luxury brand’s ready-to-wear collection.
Thai stars Phakphum Romsaithong (Mile) and Nattawin Wattanagitiphat (Apo), Frieda Pinto, Never Have I Ever actress Poorna Jagannathan alongside Virat Kohli, Anushka Sharma, Sonam Kapoor, Masaba Gupta attended the event.
#Rekha #shines #traditional #Diors #Mumbai #fashion #show
( With inputs from www.siasat.com )