
Over 50,000 Migratory Birds Spotted In Wular Lake Census


SRINAGAR: In some heartening news for birders, wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers, a preliminary census by Wular Lake Conservation and Management Authority (WCMA) has revealed that over 50,000 migratory birds have made their way to the famous Wular Lake in northern Kashmir.

The bird census was carried out by the team of WCMA, who recorded more than 20 species of birds, including Common pochards, Ruddy Shelducks, Greylag Geese, and others. The final data will be compiled and released soon by the WCMA.

The WCMA official said that the bird count aimed to monitor the population fluctuations of migratory birds and to collect overall figures to incorporate with the general bird count throughout India. The count will help the authorities to better understand the migratory patterns and needs of these birds and take measures to protect their habitats. (KNO)


#Migratory #Birds #Spotted #Wular #Lake #Census

( With inputs from : kashmirlife.net )


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