“One Billion Meals” distributes 5.4 million meals in camps in Bangladesh


The “One Billion Meals” initiative, the largest food support campaign of its kind in the region covering 50 countries on four continents, has completed the distribution of 5.4 million meals in the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh, in cooperation with the United Nations World Food Programme.

And due to the partnership between the “Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives”, which organizes the “One Billion Meals” initiative, and the World Food Program with its global ability to reach refugee camps, food support was distributed directly and in an orderly manner to beneficiaries in the form of instant smart vouchers for individuals and families that enable them to obtain their needs. The main outlets and stores close to them and approved by the UN program.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) indicates that there are nearly one million Rohingya refugees, including 490,000 children, in the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh, which has become the largest refugee shelter in the world, according to the organization’s description.

Intelligent solutions to logistical challenges

Sarah Al-Nuaimi, Director of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives Office, said: “Reaching the beneficiaries of the “billion meals” initiative in one of the largest refugee camps in the world is a logistical challenge by all standards, but the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives was able, in partnership with the World Food Program of The United Nations has reached the equivalent of 5.4 million meals for individuals and families from the Cox’s Bazar camps in Bangladesh.”

Al-Nuaimi confirmed that the adoption of the instant smart vouchers formula that provides food support to the beneficiaries of the “One Billion Meals” initiative comes in light of the keenness to reach the beneficiaries directly in order to preserve their dignity and to continue innovation in the tools of effective and influential humanitarian work.

Al-Nuaimi added, “Success in reaching vulnerable groups of refugees and displaced persons translates the values ​​of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s global initiatives and the UAE’s extending a helping hand and providing assistance to all without discrimination or exception.”

An international contribution to facing humanitarian challenges

In his turn, Majid Yahya, Representative of the World Food Program to the GCC states, said: “The challenge of hunger is on the rise at the global level and threatens more than 800 million people. In Bangladesh, the response plan developed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for the year 2022 requested more than 881 million “This is why the operations of the ‘One Billion Meals’ initiative in cooperation with the World Food Program in refugee camps in Bangladesh came at an ideal time to provide food support to those most in need.”

Yahya stressed that the completion of the “One Billion Meals” initiative, distributing the equivalent of 5.4 million meals in the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, is a new addition to the qualitative partnership between the World Food Program and the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives, stressing the importance of continuing this bilateral cooperation to expand the circle of beneficiaries of work. and respond to the growing needs of vulnerable groups in less fortunate societies.


The “One Billion Meals” initiative provides nutritional support to beneficiaries in 50 countries around the world, in coordination with partners in the United Nations World Food Programme, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Regional Food Banks Network, and the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Charitable Foundation. And humanity, the Emirates Food Bank, and a number of charitable and humanitarian institutions in the countries that it includes.

Reach out to refugees, the displaced and the less fortunate

While the One Billion Meals Campaign is primarily concerned with the less fortunate groups of refugees, displaced persons, needy families, and those affected by disasters, conflicts and crises, the cooperation of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives from the World Food Program constituted a qualitative solution to the logistical challenges on the way to reaching refugees in host countries, and also enhanced opportunities Available to individuals and small businesses such as groceries, bakeries, etc. in local communities.

Support for those who deserve it without intermediaries

The long-term food support provided by the campaign in Cox’s Bazar camps has benefited 20,000 people who can obtain their basic food needs from local suppliers through an identification code they receive on a mobile phone, to ensure that support reaches those who deserve it in a quick manner.

“One Billion Meals” Initiative

The “One Billion Meals” initiative, organized by the “Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives”, comes within the framework of humanitarian and relief aid, which is one of the five main axes of the work of the largest humanitarian institution in the region. It seeks to provide a food safety net for those in need in 50 countries on four continents.

#Billion #Meals #distributes #million #meals #camps #Bangladesh
( With inputs from : pledgetimes.com )

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