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n accordance with Government Order No. 46 JK (Edu) of 2023, dated 17.02.2023, the School Education Department of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir has published the final seniority list of PG Masters/Teachers in the discipline of Botany as of 01.01.2023.
The Directorates of School Education, Jammu/Kashmir provided the service information and bios for select PG Masters/Teachers in the field of Botany, updating the seniority list from the previous list published on April 12, 2019, in accordance with Government Order No. 157-Edu of 2019.
On July 20, 2022, a provisional seniority list based on the accumulated service details was made public and invited objections from cadre members who were left off the list or felt wronged by the position that was given to them.
Following receipt of additional service information from PG Masters and Teachers in the field of Botany for inclusion or correction in the seniority list, the issue was investigated, and all necessary inclusions, corrections, and deletions were made to create a final seniority list that was consolidated.
Before issuing the final seniority list, the final seniority list was sent to both the Directorates of School Education in Jammu and Kashmir with a request for comments or objections, if any.
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#School #Education #Department #Releases #Final #Promotion #List
( With inputs from : kashmirpublication.in )