
Fire Damages Residential House In North Kashmir


SRINAGAR: A residential house in Machil sector of North Kashmir’s Kupwara district was damaged in a fire incident, according to an official.

The official stated that the Army responded immediately after receiving an SOS phone call about the fire breaking out in a residential house in Machil village. “Troops of the Army swung into action and a well-coordinated effort by the troops resulted in no loss of life or injuries,” the official said.

The official also confirmed that due to timely action, drills, and procedures followed by the Fire Fighting Team, no damage was caused to other nearby houses.

Despite bad weather, the Fire Fighting team of Machil Battalion successfully doused the fire at the house which belonged to Abdul Rahim Wani, son of Abdul Gafoor Wani. As a result, the loss and damage to life and property were restricted. (KNO)

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( With inputs from : kashmirlife.net )


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