Amaravat: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy on Friday directed officials concerned to expedite land resurvey under ‘YSR Jagananna Saswata Bhu Hakku Bhu Raksha Pathakam’ scheme, including completing first phase for 2,000 villages by May 20, along with laying of survey stones.
In a review meeting, the Chief Minister ordered officials to ensure that every village secretariat has one rover at least for better flow of resurvey at the village level.
The state has taken up resurvey of lands on a large scale after hundred years, unlike any other state, said Reddy in a statement and added that this exercise is important not only to the present generation, but also posterity.
The southern state aims to employ modern technology and dole out tamper-proof documents to land owners so that none could manipulate them.
Meanwhile, officials apprised the CM that 31 lakh survey stones are ready to be set in place once the survey gets completed, out of which 50,000 are ready to be supplied on a daily basis.
Reddy instructed officials to procure sufficient number of stones for the next phase, while municipal officials informed that they are making preparations to survey urban areas and data analytics are currently ongoing.
Panchayat Raj officials also told the CM that survey of 300 villages would be completed by the third week of April and in all villages by December end.
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( With inputs from www.siasat.com )