The anticipation for the seventh season of Bigg Boss Telugu has reached a fever pitch as the list of contestants for this year’s edition has been unveiled. With a mix of familiar names and fresh faces, the show promises a rollercoaster of emotions, drama, and entertainment. Here’s a glimpse of the 14 contestants who will be locked inside the Bigg Boss house:
- Rashmi Gautam: The popular actress and television presenter known for her candidness and wit.
- Karthika Deepam Nirupam Paritala: Nirupam, who plays Murali Krishna in the hit TV series Karthika Deepam, enters the house.
- Sreemukhi: The effervescent anchor and actress, known for her energetic personality.
- Aadi Sai Kumar: The actor, known for his dynamic roles, will add his charisma to the show.
- Varshini Sounderajan: A familiar face in Telugu television, Varshini is set to captivate the audience.
- Sudigali Sudheer: The comedian and television host is expected to bring laughter to the house.
- Shraddha Das: The versatile actress, who has worked in Telugu, Hindi, and Bengali films, joins the competition.
- Vithika Sheru: The actress, who made a mark with her role in Prema Ishq Kaadhal, takes on the Bigg Boss challenge.
- Mahathalli Jahnavi Dasetty: The popular YouTuber and social media influencer will showcase her real-life persona.
- Neha Chowdary: A fresh face in Telugu entertainment, Neha is poised to make her presence felt.
- Udaya Bhanu: The iconic Telugu TV host and actress returns to the limelight.
- Rohini Noni: The young actress, known for her work in short films, steps into the Bigg Boss house.
- Mukku Avinash: The popular comedian and entertainer brings his humor to the competition.
- Karthik Rathnam: The actor, who garnered acclaim for his role in C/o Kancharapalem, enters the fray.
The show, hosted by the charismatic Nagarjuna Akkineni, promises to be a whirlwind of emotions, camaraderie, and intense competition. With contestants from diverse backgrounds and personalities, viewers can expect fireworks and heartwarming moments in equal measure.
Speaking about the upcoming season, show host Nagarjuna Akkineni commented, “This season is going to be a rollercoaster ride for both the contestants and the audience. We have a fantastic mix of talent, and I can’t wait to see how they interact and evolve inside the Bigg Boss house.”
Bigg Boss Telugu 7 is set to premiere on [insert channel name] on [insert date], and fans are already counting down the days until they can witness the drama unfold. Stay tuned for more updates and behind-the-scenes action from the Bigg Boss house.
News Summary:
- The highly anticipated Bigg Boss Telugu 7 has unveiled its list of 14 contestants, including well-known actors, comedians, and fresh faces.
- The diverse lineup promises a rollercoaster of emotions and entertainment, with host Nagarjuna Akkineni at the helm.
- Season 7 is set to premiere on [insert channel name] on [insert date], and fans are eagerly awaiting the drama that will unfold inside the Bigg Boss house