Chandigarh: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Monday said his government has given 28,873 jobs to the state’s youths in a year, whereas the previous Congress government only gave around 8,000 jobs in its maiden year.
Speaking at a function organised here to hand over appointment letters to 409 newly recruited sub-divisional officers (SDOs), clerks and others, the chief minister said due to the “callousness” of the previous regimes, getting a government job was a “distant dream” for the youth.
The AAP government, he said, has ensured that the youth get jobs through a merit-based and transparent mechanism.
Mann said the previous government lacked the commitment and zeal to serve the masses in the true sense, according to an official release.
Within a year of coming to power, the AAP government has given 28,873 jobs to the youth entirely on the basis of merit, he said.
The chief minister said it is a matter of immense pride and satisfaction for him that all the youth will become active partners in the state’s social and economic progress.
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( With inputs from www.siasat.com )