Zelenskyy dismisses high-ranking commander in Donbass

Zelenskyy dismisses high-ranking commander in Donbass


Dhe Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Sunday dismissed a high-ranking military commander who had been fighting Russian troops in the east of the country. In a one-line decree, Zelenskyy announced the dismissal of Eduard Moskalyov, commander of the combined forces of Ukraine. Moskalyov has been at his post in Donbass since March 2022, shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Zelenskyj gave no reason for the dismissal.

Selenskyj wants to bring back Crimea

According to Selenskyj, Ukraine wants to bring back all parts of the country occupied by Russia, including Crimea, into the state federation. The President emphasized this on Sunday on the anniversary of the occupation of the Black Sea Peninsula by Russian troops. The situation on the fronts in eastern Ukraine remains static, while the air force chief is asking for more anti-aircraft weapons.

“In 2014, Russian aggression began with the capture of Crimea,” Zelenskyy said in his nightly video address on Sunday. “It is logical that with the liberation of Crimea, we will mark a historic end to all attempts by Russia to ruin the lives of Ukrainians and all the peoples of Europe and Asia, which the Kremlin once claimed to subdue.”

Zelenskyi further said: “Today, February 26, we mark the day of resistance against the occupation of Crimea and Sevastopol.” left to the enemy”. At the same time, Zelenskyy was confident: “International law will prevail here, on the soil of Ukraine: in the Donbass, in Azov, in Cherson and in the Crimea.”

In spring 2014, Russia took control of the Crimean Peninsula, which belongs to Ukraine. The first armed clashes between supporters of the Ukrainian government and pro-Russian demonstrators on February 26, 2014 finally led to military intervention by Russia. A controlled referendum on incorporation into the Russian Federation led to Moscow’s annexation of Crimea in March.

International Crimean Platform calls on Moscow to withdraw

On the anniversary of the occupation, the International Crimea Platform once again demanded the withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukraine. In a statement released Sunday, platform participants reiterated their support for Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and condemned “Russia’s unprovoked aggression.” At the same time, they once again declared Moscow’s annexation of Crimea and the other areas of Ukraine that have since been annexed to be illegal.

The Crimea platform was launched in 2021 by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry to diplomatically reverse the incorporation of the Black Sea peninsula by Russia if possible. The campaign is supported by well over 40 countries, and NATO and the EU are also involved.

#Zelenskyy #dismisses #highranking #commander #Donbass
( With inputs from : pledgetimes.com )

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