image 11 Poverty

Why is there so much Poverty, Unemployment, Malnutrition, lack of Healthcare, etc in the World ?

By Justice Katju
I have explained in some previous articles that before the Industrial Revolution, which began in England in the first half of the 18th century and then spread elsewhere, there were mostly feudal, agricultural societies everywhere in the world. The methods of production in feudal society were so primitive and backward ( the bullock was used for tilling the land in India, the buffalo in several south Asian countries e.g. Thailand, Vietnam, etc and the horse in Europe ) that very little wealth could be generated by them. So only a few people like kings, aristocrats, etc could be rich, while the rest of the population ( 90-95% ) had to be poor. When the cake is so small, very few people could eat it.
This situation radically changed after the Industrial Revolution. Now modern industry is so powerful and so big that enough wealth can be generated to give a decent life to everyone in the world, and now no one in the world need be poor, hungry, unemployed or lacking in healthcare or good education.

However, though almost three centuries have passed after the Industrial Revolution, why is it that the majority of the world ( particularly in the underdeveloped countries ) are still poor, and still suffering from the socio-economic problems mentioned above ? This needs an explanation.
The reason is that the countries which became industrialised after the Industrial Revolution ( North America, Europe, Japan, Australia, and now China ) have formed an exclusive club, and they do not want underdeveloped countries to join the club and become highly industrialised, since with their cheap labour the latter will undersell the goods of the former, causing their industries to close down ( as they will not be able to face the competition from the latter ), throwing millions out of employment. I have explained this in detail in these articles.

To prevent this, the developed countries, through their local agents, secretly spread hatred and make people of the underdeveloped countries fight each other on the basis of religion, race, caste, etc ( as has been happening in India and elsewhere ).

But without getting highly industrialised the underdeveloped countries like India can never abolish poverty and the other socio-economic problems which plague them, and this they can do only by launching powerful united people’s struggles led by modern minded patriotic leaders to create a political and social order, under which there is rapid industrialisation and modernisation, and everyone gets a decent life.

Since after the Industrial Revolution a unique situation has arisen in world history that no one in the world need be poor, hungry or without decent lives, the 21st century will be characterised as the century in which the protracted and arduous struggles of poor people in the world for decent lives will be fought out to a conclusion ( after tremendous sacrifices ), and result in creating societies everywhere free from the evils of poverty, hunger, unemployment, etc and people everywhere enjoying a high standard of living.
When this happens, the progress of science and technology, which helps people get better lives, will become many times faster than it is now.

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