Vilfand predicted frosts up to 8 degrees on the first day of spring


The temperature in the Central part of Russia on the first day of spring, March 1, will drop to eight degrees below zero, which corresponds to the climatic norm. Roman Vilfand, scientific director of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center, spoke about this on February 28.

“On the first of March, the temperature background will correspond to the climatic norm – night temperatures will be -6 … -8. Daytime temperatures are -2…-4. Quite comfortable weather, with one exception – a noticeable wind is predicted, ”the agency quotes him as saying.RIA News”.

Vilfand stressed that on February 28, the temperature background is expected to be 1-2 degrees below the climatic norm.

According to the forecast of the head of the prognostic center “Meteo” Alexander Shuvalov, on March 2, a surge of heat is expected in the capital. On February 27, a meteorologist told Izvestia that snow and ice would actively melt that day, forming streams on the roads. The positive temperature will last on Thursday and Friday, and a new cold snap will come to Moscow over the weekend, Shuvalov added.

Prior to this, on February 21, Phobos Center specialist Mikhail Leus said that, according to data estimates over the past 30 years, the average date for the arrival of spring has shifted a week ahead. Now, as a rule, climatic spring comes to the capital on March 20, the forecaster said.

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#Vilfand #predicted #frosts #degrees #day #spring
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