Tulip Garden Records Highest-Ever Tourist Footfall This Season


SRINAGAR:  Tulip Garden in Srinagar has recorded the highest-ever tourist footfall this season as over 3.60 lakh people from different countries and states visited the garden in the last 30 days.

Shayiq Rasool, Floriculture Officer, Tulip Garden t said that a total of 3,65,624 people visited the garden so far from  March 20 to April 18.

He said that of total 3.60 lakh visitors, 58,600 were locals while 3,03,870 were from different states of the country, adding that 3154 foreign tourists also visited the garden in the last 30 days.

The officer said that it is for the first time that such a massive rush of visitors has been witnessed at the garden. “Tulip garden has witnessed a record-breaking tourist footfall this season,” he said.

Pertinently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a tweet a few days ago said that Jammu and Kashmir is beautiful, and even more so during the Tulip season.

Tulip garden was thrown open by the authorities for the general public on March 19 while the administration in wake of the rush of the visitors had also issued traffic advisory to ensure that there is no inconvenience to the people.

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( With inputs from : kashmirlife.net )

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