‘The joke is on us’: AIFF savaged over paying ‘ ₹12-15 lakh’ to astrologer for inputs on team selection

The report about the Indian football team’s head coach, Igor Stimac, consulting an astrologer for player selection and guidance raises several concerns and questions about the team’s selection process and the potential risks involved.

  1. Unconventional Selection Method: Using astrology as a basis for selecting players in a professional sports team is highly unconventional and not based on scientific or performance-based criteria. It raises questions about the competence of the coaching staff and the transparency of the selection process.
  2. Influence of External Parties: The involvement of an astrologer, an external and non-expert individual, in the team’s decision-making process can lead to undue influence and interference in the functioning of the team. It’s crucial for sports teams to rely on experts and professionals with a background in sports and performance analysis.
  3. Transparency and Accountability: Sports teams are expected to have a transparent and accountable selection process to ensure that the best talent is chosen for representing the country. The use of astrology undermines this transparency and can lead to doubts about favoritism or bias in player selection.
  4. Potential Misuse of Information: The exchange of sensitive team information with an outsider, such as an astrologer, poses the risk of that information being misused or leaked. This could compromise the team’s strategies and tactics, giving opponents an unfair advantage.
  5. Impact on Team Morale: Such unconventional decision-making processes can negatively impact the morale and confidence of players who may question whether they are being selected based on their skills and performance or on astrological advice.
  6. Governing Body Oversight: The fact that senior officials within the All India Football Federation (AIFF), including the former secretary-general, were aware of and involved in this arrangement raises questions about the oversight and governance of the sport’s administration.
  7. Financial Implications: The reported payment of a substantial amount (around ₹12-15 lakh) to the astrologer also raises questions about the use of funds within the AIFF and whether such expenditures are justified.

In summary, the reported involvement of an astrologer in player selection for the Indian football team raises serious concerns about the integrity and professionalism of the team’s decision-making process. It is essential for sports teams to rely on established and evidence-based criteria for player selection to ensure fairness, transparency, and the best possible performance on the field.

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