Telangana: TOMCOM to recruit skilled and semi-skilled workers abroad

Telangana: TOMCOM to recruit skilled and semi-skilled workers abroad


Hyderabad: The Telangana Overseas Manpower Company Limited (TOMCOM), a registered recruitment agency under the Department of Labour, is conducting a special drive to facilitate overseas job placements for skilled and semi-skilled workers.

“TOMCOM has entered into partnerships with various government and private registered agencies in different countries like Australia, Canada, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Poland, Romania and the UK in addition to Gulf countries,” said a press release.

Demand for skilled workers in developed countries for positions like maintenance technicians, fitters, JCB drivers, electricians, and security system technicians is soaring and hence TOMCOM will assist the candidates in facilitating the recruitment process through safe and legal channels of migration.

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The company is facilitating the recruitment process for HD maintenance technicians, fitters, CNC machinists and chefs for Indian restaurants in Australia.

Also, blaster painter, cleaner, foreman-blasting and painting, foreman plater, GTAW welder, ITV driver, machinist-CNC, pipe fitter, plater fabricator, scaffolders, security systems technician, senior officer-operations, oracle functional lead, oracle technical lead, accounts officer and accounts manager will be facilitated for UAE.

TOMCOM would provide food, accommodation, and joining tickets for selected candidates.

Eligible candidates with relevant experience and a passport with a minimum validity of 2 years can enrol on TOMCOM website or mobile app or e-mail their resume to hrm-tomcom-let@telangana.

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( With inputs from )

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