Hyderabad: Telangana chief secretary Santhi Kumari on Friday held a meeting with officials of the industries department and took stock of the progress achieved on setting up Special Food Processing zones in the state.
Principal secretary (industries) Jayesh Ranjan, TSIIC MD Narsimha Reddy and other officials were present. Kumari said that the vision of chief minister K Chandrashekhar Rao is to transform the state in food and agriculture sector and set up food processing zones based on the demand and feasibility in each district.
She directed the officials to formulate a strategy to promote food processing zones in seven places where there is a huge potential and demand from prospective investors.
“With the increasing paddy production in the State there is a need to promote setting up rice mills in these food processing zones,” she told officials.
The Telangana chief secretary asked the officials to give top priority and complete the process of allotting the lands for setting up rice mills within next four to five months. She also asked them to take steps to operationalize the concept of setting up Aqua Hub in the Mid Manair Reservoir.
#Telangana #Chief #sec #holds #meet #check #Special #Food #Processing #zone
( With inputs from www.siasat.com )