Doctor’s dilemma: To practice or write

Doctor’s dilemma: To practice or write

[ad_1] Hyderabad: The general perception about doctors is that their writing skills are confined to just scrawling illegible prescriptions. That’s true to a large part. However, the more enthusiastic among them indulge in health related articles or write for science magazines. But there are some who buck the trend and give even professional writers a…

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MP: Miscreants torch church, write Ram on walls; search on for culprits

MP: Miscreants torch church, write Ram on walls; search on for culprits

[ad_1] Narmadapuram: A church was torched and defiled by unidentified persons in Madhya Pradesh’s Narmadapuram district, police said on Monday. The incident came to light on Sunday when some people went to the church, located in the Chaukipura area which has a considerable tribal population, to offer prayers. A case has been registered against unidentified persons…

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