‘Chieftains of communal votes’ biggest barriers on path of inclusive empowerment: Naqvi

‘Chieftains of communal votes’ biggest barriers on path of inclusive empowerment: Naqvi

[ad_1] Aligarh: Hitting out at Opposition parties, senior BJP leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on Monday said the “chieftains of communal votes” are the biggest barriers on the path of inclusive empowerment and Muslims must not allow their votes to be taken for granted. He urged Muslim voters to get rid of “political pollution” being spread … Read more

Florida Legislature votes to ban gender-affirming care for minors

Florida Legislature votes to ban gender-affirming care for minors

[ad_1] The legislation the House approved on a 83-28 vote, SB 254, is less restrictive than previous versions of the measure. One of those versions sought to bar private insurance companies from covering gender-affirming care to minors and adults and forbid any changes to gender on birth certificates for transgender individuals. But the sponsor of … Read more

McCarthy struggles to lock down votes for debt plan

McCarthy struggles to lock down votes for debt plan

[ad_1] “This week, we will pass” the debt bill, McCarthy declared to reporters after a full day of meetings. “We’re done negotiating,” added Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), a member of GOP leadership, while projecting confidence that “the whole Republican conference is going to get on board.” The GOP plan, which includes across-the-board spending cuts, stricter … Read more

GOP tries to paint Biden’s labor nominee as radical, hoping to turn Dem votes against her

GOP tries to paint Biden’s labor nominee as radical, hoping to turn Dem votes against her

[ad_1] A handful of Senate Democrats have yet to commit to confirming Su, who stepped in as acting secretary after Marty Walsh left the Labor Department’s top job in mid-March to take over as head of the NHL players’ union. Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), one of Su’s chief proponents, downplayed concerns about her confirmation, saying … Read more

Dan Kildee is recovering from surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in his tonsil and will miss votes on the Hill. 

Dan Kildee is recovering from surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in his tonsil and will miss votes on the Hill. 

[ad_1] His absence will temporarily increase the slim Republican majority. [ad_2] #Dan #Kildee #isrecovering #surgery #remove #cancerous #tumor #tonsil #votes #Hill ( With inputs from : www.politico.com )

Paris votes to ban rental electric scooters from city streets

Paris votes to ban rental electric scooters from city streets

[ad_1] Paris: In a big blow to the electric mobility market, the city has voted to ban rental e-scooters from the streets. An overwhelming number of around 90 percent of votes cast supported a ban, official results showed. Paris was a pioneer when it introduced e-scooters in 2018, reports the Guardian. In a referendum organized … Read more

MEPs cling to TikTok for Gen Z votes

MEPs cling to TikTok for Gen Z votes

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. It may come with security risks but, for European Parliamentarians, TikTok is just too good a political tool to abandon. Staff at the European Parliament were ordered to delete the video-sharing application from any work devices by March 20, after an edict last … Read more

Macron faces no-confidence votes amid nationwide protests

Macron faces no-confidence votes amid nationwide protests

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. PARIS — Emmanuel Macron’s government faces several motions of no confidence in the National Assembly Monday after his government forced through a deeply unpopular pensions reform bill last week. Protesters took to the streets in major cities over the weekend, after the government … Read more

Republicans are winning more Latino votes. But rising turnout still benefits Dems.

Republicans are winning more Latino votes. But rising turnout still benefits Dems.

[ad_1] Despite having a Latina candidate in the race in Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), Democrats’ Senate overall vote share in Nevada fell to 62 percent among Latinos, compared to fellow Sen. Jacky Rosen’s 67 percent among the demographic in 2018, according to exit polls. And in Arizona, the ratio for Democratic Senate hopefuls fell … Read more

The Texas GOP censured Tony Gonzales after he broke with his party on a number of votes. 

The Texas GOP censured Tony Gonzales after he broke with his party on a number of votes. 

[ad_1] State party officials were particularly outraged at his votes for modest gun control and in favor of same-sex marriage. [ad_2] #Texas #GOPcensured #Tony #Gonzales #broke #party #number #votes ( With inputs from : www.politico.com )