PM Modi visited Telangana five times, but KCR didn’t receive him even once: BJP leader

PM Modi visited Telangana five times, but KCR didn’t receive him even once: BJP leader

[ad_1] Hyderabad: Former Member of Legislative Council and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader N Ramchander Rao on Saturday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Telangana five times in 14 months but Chief Minister of the state K Chandrasekhar Rao received him not even once. Talking to ANI, Rao said, “In the last 14 months … Read more

In Jan, Feb 2023; 4.70 lakh tourists visited J&K; figure highest ever: LG Manoj Sinha

In Jan, Feb 2023; 4.70 lakh tourists visited J&K; figure highest ever: LG Manoj Sinha

[ad_1] Srinagar, Mar 19: Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha Sunday said Jammu and Kashmir is witnessing tourism boom as in just the first two months of the year 2023, 4.70 lakh tourists have visited the UT as the administration expects another record number of tourist arrivals in the ensuing year. Addressing the gathering after inaugurating Asia’s … Read more

In Jan, Feb 2023; 4.70 lakh tourists visited J&K; figure highest ever: LG Manoj Sinha

In Jan, Feb 2023; 4.70 lakh tourists visited J&K; figure highest ever: LG Manoj Sinha

[ad_1] Srinagar, Mar 19: Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha Sunday said Jammu and Kashmir is witnessing tourism boom as in just the first two months of the year 2023, 4.70 lakh tourists have visited the UT as the administration expects another record number of tourist arrivals in the ensuing year. Addressing the gathering after inaugurating Asia’s … Read more

Over 1 lakh tourists visited Kashmir in February: Director Tourism

[ad_1] Srinagar, Mar 04: The tourism department of Kashmir on Saturday said more than 1 lakh tourists thronged the Kashmir Valley i. the month of February alone and that they are hoping the number will increase in coming days. Talking to reporters on the sidelines of an event here, Director Tourism Kashmir, Fazlul Hafeez, as … Read more

Medak cops violated laws: Fact-finding team who visited Khadeer’s kin

Medak cops violated laws: Fact-finding team who visited Khadeer’s kin

[ad_1] Hyderabad: A fact-finding team of social activists visited the family, friends and neighbours of Mohammed Khadeer Khan, who died on February 21 following alleged police brutality. It concluded that the Medak police failed to follow the process of law and violated several provisions of CrPC, guidelines and judgments delivered by the Supreme Court and … Read more

2.26 Lakh People Visited 131 Public Libraries In J&K During Last Year: Govt

2.26 Lakh People Visited 131 Public Libraries In J&K During Last Year: Govt

[ad_1] JAMMU:  Secretary Culture, Dr Syed Abid Rasheed Shah today took an extensive tour of Shri Ranbir Singh Library here and took stock of facilities being provided to the public there. He held an extensive tour of the library and visited different sections of the public library viz reading room section, children section, Raja Ram … Read more