Apple Vision Pro to use custom-designed DRAM Chip

[ad_1] San Francisco: Apple’s upcoming AR (augmented reality) headset Vision Pro will reportedly feature a new type of dynamic random access memory (DRAM) that has been custom designed to support Apple’s R1 input processing chip. Apple Vision Pro is powered by a pair of chips, including an M2 chip and an R1 chip, according to … Read more

Mamata Banerjee attacks BJP pointing out Tagore stood for secular vision

Mamata Banerjee attacks BJP pointing out Tagore stood for secular vision

[ad_1] Kolkata: Even as a controversy broke out over what political rivals saw as an attempt to usurp the legacy of national poet Rabindranath Tagore by the BJP, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in a speech here on Tuesday to mark the Nobel Laurette’s birth anniversary pointedly spoke about his secular vision and his … Read more

Hyderabad: Vision screening camp for UoH Campus School students

Hyderabad: Vision screening camp for UoH Campus School students

[ad_1] School children going through medical tests at the camp. Hyderabad: The University of Hyderabad Campus School recently organized a vision (eye) screening camp in association with the Department of Optometry and Vision Sciences, School of Medical Sciences, University of Hyderabad (UoH). The two-day camp was organised under the guidance of Prof. S V S … Read more

Vision IAS Abhyaas Test 2 Result 2023 OUT, Check Abhyaas Result – TheNewsCaravan

Vision IAS Abhyaas Test 2 Result 2023 OUT, Check Abhyaas Result – TheNewsCaravan

[ad_1] The Vision IAS Abhyaas Test 2 Result 2023 has been declared on 27th April. It is a highly anticipated event for students who are preparing for competitive exams, as the result can give them an idea of their preparation level. In this article, we will discuss the Abhyaas Test 2, the result declaration, and … Read more

India’s vision for healthcare is universal, says PM Modi

India’s vision for healthcare is universal, says PM Modi

[ad_1] New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said that India’s vision for health was universal even when there were no global pandemics. While inaugurating virtually the 6th edition of Advantage Healthcare India (AHCI) 2023 (One Earth One Health) in the national capital, Modi said that India’s goal is physical, mental and social well-being for … Read more

Elon Musk Sells Tucker Carlson His Conservative Vision of Progress

Elon Musk Sells Tucker Carlson His Conservative Vision of Progress

[ad_1] Even more than just a newsy exercise in political economy, however, the conversation with Musk is a reminder of how “progress,” an ideal usually associated with the American left, is in reality a value-neutral concept that can be advanced by anyone — although it obviously helps if you’re the richest man in the world. … Read more

NC’s Political Vision Etched With Welfare Of people:  Farooq Abdullah

[ad_1] SRINAGAR: The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference President Farooq Abdullah on Sunday asked people to unite against the divisive forces, trying to disenfranchise people of their identity, land and resources. Farooq Abdullah was addressing party functionaries in a commemorative function held at Khannabal, Anantnag on the 8th death anniversary of the party veteran Khawaja … Read more

Nagaland polls: BJP’s ‘Vision Document’ talks of promoting Naga culture

Nagaland polls: BJP’s ‘Vision Document’ talks of promoting Naga culture

[ad_1] Kohima: Preserving a rich Naga identity and culture including establishment of a dedicated Nagaland Cultural Research Fund with an investment of Rs 1,000 crore, inclusive development, agricultural and farmer and women’s welfare are some of the pre-poll commitments made in the BJP’s Nagaland ‘Vision Document’ ahead of the February 27 assembly polls. Releasing the … Read more