JK Must Unite Against Forces Working To Undermine Its Interests, Says Farooq Abdullah

[ad_1] SRINAGAR: Dr Farooq Abdullah, the National Conference (NC) President and Srinagar MP, addressed party members at the Nawa-e-Subha party headquarters in Srinagar on Saturday. He cautioned the public against the efforts of those working to weaken Jammu and Kashmir from within. In attendance were several NC figures, including General Secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar, Addl … Read more

Serious attempt to undermine every institution: Shashi Tharoor

Serious attempt to undermine every institution: Shashi Tharoor

[ad_1] Mumbai: Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Saturday said right across the spectrum there is a “serious undermining” of every autonomous institution and it seems the government has only the “loyalty” criterion before appointing individuals to head them. In an interaction at Press Club here on ‘The need for an independent media as a vital … Read more

UK asylum bill would ‘undermine’ international law: UNHCR

UK asylum bill would ‘undermine’ international law: UNHCR

[ad_1] Geneva [Switzerland], March 9 (ANI): The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) on Wednesday (local time) said that the UK asylum bill would ‘undermine’ international law. British Home Secretary Suella Braverman introduced an Illegal Migration Bill this week aimed at tackling people crossing the English Channel to reach the UK, which if passed “would amount to … Read more

As a police officer, I was asked to undermine an alleged rape victim – I wish I could say it was a one-off | Anonymous

As a police officer, I was asked to undermine an alleged rape victim – I wish I could say it was a one-off | Anonymous

[ad_1] “The thing is, Sarge, she’s already made one allegation of rape tonight so there’s no way I’m going out on my own to her house. I’ve got my own safety to think about.” The detective’s words left me momentarily speechless. It was the early hours of a busy weekend, and I was the CID … Read more