Ron DeCeasefire: US presidential hopeful DeSantis calls for truce in Ukraine

Ron DeCeasefire: US presidential hopeful DeSantis calls for truce in Ukraine

[ad_1] Florida’s Republican governor and wannabe presidential candidate Ron DeSantis said Tuesday he supported the idea of a ceasefire in Ukraine — a move long opposed by Kyiv, which has set reclaiming its lost territory as a precondition for any talks with Russia. “It’s in everybody’s interest to try to get to a place where … Read more

The old guard: Joe Biden seems like a spring chicken compared to some of these guys

The old guard: Joe Biden seems like a spring chicken compared to some of these guys

[ad_1] When the U.S. president on Tuesday announced that he would seek reelection in 2024, attention quickly turned to his advanced age.  If elected, Joe Biden would be 82 on inauguration day in 2025, and 86 on leaving the White House in January 2029.  POLITICO took a look around the globe and back through history … Read more

Oh no, Joe: Biden confuses ‘All Blacks’ rugby team with ‘Black and Tan’ military force

Oh no, Joe: Biden confuses ‘All Blacks’ rugby team with ‘Black and Tan’ military force

[ad_1] DUBLIN — That didn’t last long. Joe Biden managed to tread carefully around historic and current political sensitivities during the first part of his trip to the island of Ireland this week, marking 25 years since the U.S.-brokered Good Friday Agreement sought to secure lasting peace for Northern Ireland. But not long after crossing … Read more