Tucker Carlson to relaunch show on Twitter

Tucker Carlson to relaunch show on Twitter

[ad_1] “And you know if you bump up against those limits often enough, you will be fired for it,” Carlson said. “That’s not a guess; it’s guaranteed. Every person who works in English language media understands that. The rule of what you can’t say defines everything.” Carlson, the former host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on … Read more

What’s Really Behind the Release of Tucker Carlson’s Texts

What’s Really Behind the Release of Tucker Carlson’s Texts

[ad_1] The point of this inquiry isn’t to provide Carlson any relief — he deserves all the scrutiny his firing has brought him — but to examine the motives of the unnamed sources who have risen against him in recent days. Why have so many powerful actors chosen this moment to slag Carlson, when none … Read more

Tucker Carlson is not an antiwar populist rebel. He is a fascist | Jason Stanley

Tucker Carlson is not an antiwar populist rebel. He is a fascist | Jason Stanley

[ad_1] Fox News has finally broken ties with its most popular star, Tucker Carlson. His ousting has been bemoaned by some commentators, who have taken Carlson to be a rebellious anti-war populist, evading easy political characterization. But is it really so complicated to classify Carlson’s political ideology? In late February 2022, then Fox News anchor … Read more

Tucker who? GOP establishment says meh to TV gadfly’s demise

Tucker who? GOP establishment says meh to TV gadfly’s demise

[ad_1] “You have got to think about the scale — I know he had an audience of three million people. There are 330 million people in the country,” Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) said, adding that Carlson and other cable anchors have bigger sway over what lawmakers “think is wrong, versus how they can make things … Read more

The terrible truth about the sacking of Tucker Carlson: someone just as odious will replace him | Emma Brockes

The terrible truth about the sacking of Tucker Carlson: someone just as odious will replace him | Emma Brockes

[ad_1] It is a truism of the US news industry that no one is bigger than the network itself, an insight that Donald Trump – binned by Rupert Murdoch last year – may still be painfully processing, and which this week became suddenly clear to Tucker Carlson. The former cable news host, who, it was … Read more

‘Worst-case scenario’: Rick Wilson on Tucker Carlson, presidential nominee

‘Worst-case scenario’: Rick Wilson on Tucker Carlson, presidential nominee

[ad_1] The most irresponsible thing you can do these days is look away from the worst-case scenario.” So says Rick Wilson. In the week Fox News fired Tucker Carlson, Wilson’s worst-case scenario is this: a successful Carlson campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. Wilson is a longtime Republican operative turned co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln … Read more

Don’t Believe Everything You Read About Tucker Carlson

Don’t Believe Everything You Read About Tucker Carlson

[ad_1] The Daily Beast’s anonymous source attributed the firing, in part, to Carlson’s foul language. He allegedly used the “C word” to describe stolen election theorist Sidney Powell, and not just once. This information supposedly surfaced during discovery proceedings in the Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit. The Los Angeles Times relied on an anonymous source … Read more

‘Good riddance’: Pentagon officials cheer Tucker Carlson’s ouster

‘Good riddance’: Pentagon officials cheer Tucker Carlson’s ouster

[ad_1] “Good riddance,” said a second DoD official. Asked to respond to the news that DoD officials are pleased by his departure from Fox, Carlson responded by text message: “Ha! I’m sure.” He declined to comment further. The tension between the former cable host and Pentagon leadership isn’t new. Carlson drew the ire of top … Read more

Tucker Carlson: firing highlights texts unearthed during Fox-Dominion trial

Tucker Carlson: firing highlights texts unearthed during Fox-Dominion trial

[ad_1] The $787.5m settlement between Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems spared executives and on-air talent from taking the stand in a defamation lawsuit that centered on the network airing false claims of a stolen election in the weeks after Donald Trump’s 2020 loss. The lawsuit still revealed plenty of what Fox personalities had been … Read more

Tucker Carlson leaves a toxic legacy at Fox News. What’s next?

Tucker Carlson leaves a toxic legacy at Fox News. What’s next?

[ad_1] Tucker Carlson, the far-right TV host whose embrace of racist conspiracy theories came to signify a shift further towards the right at Fox News, leaves behind a legacy of mainstreaming extremism after exiting the channel, and speculation is turning to any next step in an incendiary career. The departure of Carlson, Fox News’ most-watched … Read more