Former President Donald Trump Detained Briefly, Released on Bail, Heads to Golf Course

Former President Donald Trump Detained Briefly, Released on Bail, Heads to Golf Course

Previous President Donald J. Trump wound up momentarily kept recently prior to being delivered on bail in an occurrence that unfurled at the Trump Pinnacle in New York City. The previous President was arrested for roughly 20 minutes prior to getting his delivery after posting a $200,000 bail. Trump, known for his playing golf energy, … Read more

There’s Good News and Bad News for Trump in a New Survey

[ad_1] My survey of GOP county chairs is part of an ongoing effort to track the so-called “invisible primary” for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, with a series that is being featured in POLITICO Magazine over the next year. What takes place during the invisible primary is the crucial coordination and jockeying that occurs before … Read more

A New Poll on the Trump Indictments Has a Surprising Result

[ad_1] POLITICO Magazine commissioned this poll because we thought, despite some initial polling shortly after Trump’s federal indictment, that we could dig deeper into the public’s sentiment. How much do people really understand about the charges facing Trump and do they believe he’s guilty? What kind of punishments do they think fit the crimes if … Read more

Trump world booked CNN hoping for a big audience. Now, they’re in the thick of it.

Trump world booked CNN hoping for a big audience. Now, they’re in the thick of it.

[ad_1] The verdict comes on the eve of Trump’s town hall in New Hampshire moderated by CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, a 31-year-old anchor and correspondent who gained a reputation for challenging Trump while she covered the White House. Trump signaled that he would take a combative approach to any questions around the case, writing on Truth … Read more

Trump goes mainstream on CNN. The rest of the pack sucks wind

Trump goes mainstream on CNN. The rest of the pack sucks wind

[ad_1] “He’s trying to win back everyone he can win back,” said Ron Gidwitz, a Republican fundraiser who served as Trump’s ambassador to Belgium but who questioned whether Trump has the “gravitas” necessary to be president again. “I think he believes he’s got the ability that if he can talk to people, he can persuade … Read more

In legal setback, Trump ordered to pay $5 mn to woman in sex abuse case

In legal setback, Trump ordered to pay $5 mn to woman in sex abuse case

[ad_1] New York: In a legal setback, former US President Donald Trump has been ordered to pay $5 million in damages to a woman who accused him of rape but he does not face prison time because it was a civil case. A jury gave the verdict on Tuesday in a civil case hinging on … Read more

Trump world to donors: A dollar to DeSantis may as well be a donation to Biden

Trump world to donors: A dollar to DeSantis may as well be a donation to Biden

[ad_1] The memo was sent hours before a New York court delivered a verdict finding that Trump was guilty of sexual abuse of advice columnist E. Jean Carroll and awarding her $5 million in damages for that and defamation. Budowich’s memo is, to a degree, a classic boast of a campaign that finds itself in … Read more

Jury finds Trump liable for sexual abuse in E. Jean Carroll case

Jury finds Trump liable for sexual abuse in E. Jean Carroll case

[ad_1] Carroll testified that Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room after a chance encounter one evening in the spring of 1996. The jury found that Carroll did not prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that Trump raped her. But the jury did find him liable for sexual abuse and for defamation. … Read more

Melania Trump says she supports Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign

Melania Trump says she supports Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign

[ad_1] Melania Trump also did not accompany her husband to court in Manhattan last month for his alleged role in a scheme to pay hush money to a porn star during the 2016 presidential campaign, and was absent from his post-arraignment speech in Mar-a-Lago. “My husband achieved tremendous success in his first administration, and he … Read more

‘Really weak option’: Wall Street sours on DeSantis as Trump challenger

‘Really weak option’: Wall Street sours on DeSantis as Trump challenger

[ad_1] “People will change horses,” said Dave Carney, a veteran Republican strategist for both former Bush presidents. “You may get really excited about somebody and then all of a sudden realize, ‘Eh, not really my cup of tea.’” Where Wall Street puts its money matters because financial industry executives are among the biggest donors in … Read more