BJP leaders Raje, Kailash refused to support conspiracy to topple my govt in 2020: Gehlot

BJP leaders Raje, Kailash refused to support conspiracy to topple my govt in 2020: Gehlot

[ad_1] Dholpur: Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Sunday claimed he survived the 2020-revolt by some Congress MLAs because BJP leaders Vasundhara Raje and Kailash Meghwal refused to support a conspiracy to topple an elected government through money power. Raje, a former chief minister of Rajasthan, however, said that “Gehlot’s ‘praises’ is a big conspiracy” … Read more

Congress Misused Art 356 To Topple Opposition 93 Times: Rana

[ad_1] SRINAGAR: Describing the Congress as the biggest pollutant in the Indian polity Senior BJP leader Devender Singh Rana on Saturday said history is replete of instances when the congress party belittled democracy by imposing emergency in 1975, abusing Article 356 to topple the duly elected governments 93 times and customizing the national politics by … Read more