Tim Scott’s Capitol Hill fans question his chances in 2024

Tim Scott’s Capitol Hill fans question his chances in 2024

[ad_1] “Tim Scott is going to have a very appealing story and message,” added the Florida Republican, whose 2016 campaign Scott endorsed. “But again, sometimes the environment determines whether that’s what people are looking for. And who knows where we’re going to be a year from now.” Romney, the party’s 2012 nominee, was more pointed … Read more

Tim Scott to attend presidential forum alongside Haley

Tim Scott to attend presidential forum alongside Haley

[ad_1] Scott, who has planned a “listening tour” to begin Thursday in Charleston, followed by a multi-day visit to Iowa next week, is building out a staff of potential presidential campaign aides and making calls to donors. But he has so far held off on making his plans explicit or putting a campaign team on … Read more

Dems fret policing talks will be tangled with Tim Scott’s presidential hopes

Dems fret policing talks will be tangled with Tim Scott’s presidential hopes

[ad_1] Neither Scott nor any other congressional Republican was invited to what’s seen as the opening act of policing discussions after Nichols’ death last month following a brutal beating by Memphis officers: Thursday’s Black Caucus meeting with President Joe Biden. The all-Democratic invite list went out despite the House’s record-high four Black Republicans in office … Read more

Tim Dowling: I found a secret loft in our house. Foolishly, I also told my wife about it …

Tim Dowling: I found a secret loft in our house. Foolishly, I also told my wife about it …

[ad_1] Our house contains a secret mystery room I didn’t even know was there until almost a year after we moved in. One day I was sitting alone in the garden looking up at the little round window near the peak of the back roof, when it occurred to me that I had never seen … Read more