Humza Yousaf succeeds Nicola Sturgeon as Scotland’s next leader

Humza Yousaf succeeds Nicola Sturgeon as Scotland’s next leader

[ad_1] Edinburg: Humza Yousaf has been elected the first minority ethnic leader of the Scottish National party in a narrow victory that confirmed deep divisions over policy within his party, according to a media report. Yousaf is almost certain to be confirmed as Scotland’s next first minister in a nominal vote at Holyrood on Tuesday, … Read more

Sturgeon exit may delay new Scotland independence vote by five years

Sturgeon exit may delay new Scotland independence vote by five years

[ad_1] Senior figures in the Scottish National party believe Nicola Sturgeon’s shock resignation could delay their effort to stage another independence referendum by at least five years. The party’s national executive committee confirmed on Thursday evening that Sturgeon’s plan – to stage a special conference on her proposals to use the next election as a … Read more

What did Nicola Sturgeon change in Scotland for women in politics? Everything | Dani Garavelli

What did Nicola Sturgeon change in Scotland for women in politics? Everything | Dani Garavelli

[ad_1] Pulling into a service station to listen to Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation speech on Wednesday morning, I was hit by a wave of sadness. It wasn’t that the first minister’s departure was unexpected. Though the precise timing was a shock, she has been visibly flagging for months, and her popularity has been waning even among … Read more

There is a path to Scottish independence. Sturgeon was brilliant, but she just couldn’t see it | Simon Jenkins

There is a path to Scottish independence. Sturgeon was brilliant, but she just couldn’t see it | Simon Jenkins

[ad_1] An independent Scotland has not been hindered by Nicola Sturgeon’s departure; it could well be advanced by it. Her eight years as first minister have been remarkable, but failed to bring statehood closer to reality. The question is whether her intransigence postponed it. Sturgeon made a strategic error after her predecessor Alex Salmond lost … Read more

SNP top leaders urge overhaul of Sturgeon independence plan

SNP top leaders urge overhaul of Sturgeon independence plan

[ad_1] Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation could prompt a major rethink around her plans to fight the next UK general election as a de facto referendum on independence, the Scottish National party’s leader in Westminster has suggested. After the shock announcement of the first minister’s departure on Wednesday, Stephen Flynn said the special conference due to be … Read more

Unfazed by the future, Nicola Sturgeon left on her own terms

Unfazed by the future, Nicola Sturgeon left on her own terms

[ad_1] For those close friends who got a text from Nicola Sturgeon in the hours before she publicly announced her resignation as Scotland’s first minister, it was the timing and not the fact of her departure that came as the almighty shock. But Sturgeon is a woman who likes to craft her own narrative. For … Read more

Nicola Sturgeon is going. Does that mean the United Kingdom will survive? | Martin Kettle

Nicola Sturgeon is going. Does that mean the United Kingdom will survive? | Martin Kettle

[ad_1] The political vultures have been circling Nicola Sturgeon for several weeks now. But her resignation as first minister and leader of the SNP still comes as a lightning bolt from a not especially threatening Scottish political sky. It is certain to trigger the biggest convulsion in Scottish politics since the independence referendum of 2014, … Read more

Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon quits

Scotland’s Nicola Sturgeon quits

[ad_1] Nicola Sturgeon is resigning as Scotland’s first minister in a move that stunned her pro-independence party and fired the starting pistol on the race to succeed her. The Scottish National Party leader — who has led the party and the country’s devolved government since 2014 — made the shock announcement at a hastily arranged … Read more