Spy hunt or witch hunt? Ukrainians fear the two are merging

Spy hunt or witch hunt? Ukrainians fear the two are merging

[ad_1] KYIV — From the glass cage in a Kyiv courtroom, Roman Dudin professed his innocence loudly. And he fumed at the unusual decision to prevent a handful of journalists from asking him questions during a break in the hearing. The former Kharkiv security chief is facing charges of treason and deserting his post, allegations he and his … Read more

Sorting Ukraine in a day and blasting Meghan: 7 things we learned in Trump’s Farage interview

Sorting Ukraine in a day and blasting Meghan: 7 things we learned in Trump’s Farage interview

[ad_1] LONDON — Frost/Nixon it was not. But at least the golf course got a good plug. Brexit firebrand Nigel Farage bagged a half an hour sit-down interview with Donald Trump on Wednesday as part of the former U.S. president’s trip to his Turnberry golf resort in Scotland. The hardball questions just kept on coming … Read more

‘Shocking’: Putin critic handed 25 years in prison

‘Shocking’: Putin critic handed 25 years in prison

[ad_1] MOSCOW — A Russian court on Monday slapped opposition activist Vladimir Kara-Murza with 25 years in prison for treason and other claimed offenses. Moscow City Court sentenced Kara-Murza to a penal colony for spreading “fake news” about the army and “cooperation with an undesirable organization,” as Russian President Vladimir Putin steps up his crackdown … Read more

2023’s most important election: Turkey

2023’s most important election: Turkey

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. For Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, next month’s election is of massive historical significance. It falls 100 years after the foundation of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s secular republic and, if Erdoğan wins, he will be empowered to put even more of his stamp on … Read more

The end of Boris Johnson

The end of Boris Johnson

[ad_1] Tanya Gold is a freelance journalist. Boris Johnson’s political career ended on Wednesday, with stuttering and fake politesse. Seated before a U.K. House of Commons committee poised to rule on whether he lied to parliament about Partygate, Johnson was far from his element. Beneath the ghost of his famous bonhomie and the half-conceived rhetoric, … Read more

Putin’s Russia summons Stalin from the grave as a wartime ally

Putin’s Russia summons Stalin from the grave as a wartime ally

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. MOSCOW — As Russia enters the second year of its war against Ukraine, fans of Joseph Stalin are enjoying a renewed alignment with the Kremlin. On Sunday, the hundreds of Stalinists who came to Red Square to mark the 70th anniversary of the Soviet dictator’s death … Read more

Free tea and sausages in the snow: How Putin persuades Russians to cheer the war

Free tea and sausages in the snow: How Putin persuades Russians to cheer the war

[ad_1] Press play to listen to this article Voiced by artificial intelligence. MOSCOW — Among the perks offered to those stamping their feet to stay warm outside Moscow’s Luzhniki Stadium there were hot drinks, payouts, free food or a day off from class. Others had simply been told by their employers to attend, independent media … Read more

Red carpet war as Ukrainians and Russians scrap over Oscar nominations

Red carpet war as Ukrainians and Russians scrap over Oscar nominations

[ad_1] The Oscars are wading into a Russian-Ukrainian geopolitical minefield. Of the five films shortlisted by the U.S. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for this year’s best documentary, one is about Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny and another is “A House Made of Splinters,” about a Ukrainian orphanage in the war-torn east of … Read more

Can Putin win?

Can Putin win?

[ad_1] “I am wicked and scary with claws and teeth,” Vladimir Putin reportedly warned David Cameron when the then-British prime minister pressed him about the use of chemical weapons by Russia’s ally in Syria, Bashar al-Assad, and discussed how far Russia was prepared to go. According to Cameron’s top foreign policy adviser John Casson — cited … Read more

Heads roll in Ukraine graft purge, but defense chief Reznikov rejects rumors he’s out

Heads roll in Ukraine graft purge, but defense chief Reznikov rejects rumors he’s out

[ad_1] KYIV — Heads are rolling in President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s expanding purge against corruption in Ukraine, but Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov is denying rumors that he’s destined for the exit — a move that would be viewed as a considerable setback for Kyiv in the middle of its war with Russia. Two weeks ago, Ukraine … Read more