Giant spiders, snakes and storms: what could go wrong with having a baby on a remote, jungle-filled island?

Giant spiders, snakes and storms: what could go wrong with having a baby on a remote, jungle-filled island?

[ad_1] ‘What if the baby comes in the night?” my wife, Allys, asked, looking at the stretch of the South China Sea that separated us from the nearest hospital. “Helicopter,” said a local resident. I looked around me, taking in the thick jungle of trees and roots, crisscrossed with tiny paths, impenetrable to vehicles. “Where’s…

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Muslims compared to snakes, call for Akhand Bharat at Digital Hindu Conclave

Muslims compared to snakes, call for Akhand Bharat at Digital Hindu Conclave

[ad_1] Leaders from the ruling BJP delivered Islamophobic speech in full swing at the recently concluded Digital Hindu Conclave held on March 18. BJP leader Kapil Mishra, Kajal Shingala aka Kajal Hindusthani and far-right author Kshitij Patukale compared minorities, particularly those belonging to Muslim community, to snakes, distorted history by calling for violence as the…

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