Turkish FM says holding talks with both sides in Sudan for truce

Turkish FM says holding talks with both sides in Sudan for truce

[ad_1] Ankara: As the violent unrest continues to rage in Sudan, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said that negotiations are on with the two warring parties in a bid to reach an ultimate ceasefire. Addressing reporters on Wednesday, the Minister said: “We are negotiating with both parties. We are negotiating to stop the conflict. We … Read more

Supreme Court sides with New Jersey in dispute over port police agency

Supreme Court sides with New Jersey in dispute over port police agency

[ad_1] The high court sided with New Jersey. During oral arguments in March, justices were clearly willing to allow New Jersey to exit the deal; they were only trying to figure out how to do so without creating precedent that might disrupt other multistate deals, like those setting boundaries and setting water rights. In a … Read more

LMVs To Ply On Both Sides Of Sgr-Jammu Highway On Feb 26

LMVs To Ply On Both Sides Of Sgr-Jammu Highway On Feb 26

[ad_1] SRINAGAR:  The traffic police department on Saturday informed that LMVs besides Passenger and Private cars shall be allowed from both sides on Jammu-Srinagar national highway on Februay 26, subject to dry weather conditions and clearance of road. As per the advisory issued by the traffic police headquarters, the heavy motor vehicles would be allowed … Read more