Sen. Kyrsten Sinema says she has no interest in becoming a Republican

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema says she has no interest in becoming a Republican

[ad_1] “No,” Sinema said, adding: “You don’t go from one broken party to another.” Sinema, who left the Democratic Party in December 2022, has not said whether she plans to run for reelection in 2024. “I’m not here to talk about elections today,” she Sunday when pressed about her plans. If she does run, Sinema … Read more

Republican voters return to the polls for the first time since their 2022 disappointment

Republican voters return to the polls for the first time since their 2022 disappointment

[ad_1] It’s been a long time since Kentucky was a competitive state in national politics: Bill Clinton carried it twice in the 1990s, but Republicans have won it by double-digits in every election since 2000, including then-President Donald Trump’s 26-point win in 2020. But Gov. Andy Beshear’s narrow victory in 2019 — and enduring popularity … Read more

Biden’s Running. Which Republican Has the Best Chance of Beating Him?

Biden’s Running. Which Republican Has the Best Chance of Beating Him?

[ad_1] Perhaps most importantly, Biden proved in 2020 that not only could he rebuild the so-called Blue Wall (Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin), he could snag increasingly purple Arizona and Georgia. So which Republican contender is best positioned to take on Biden and win back those swing states? Here’s a clear-eyed look at their strengths and … Read more

Republican in-fighting gets heated in the most important governor’s race in 2023

Republican in-fighting gets heated in the most important governor’s race in 2023

[ad_1] “Craft has bought herself into a two person race,” said Scott Jennings, a well-known Republican operative in the state who has remained neutral in the contest. “The question is ‘is there enough runway left?’” But the brutal primary between the two could also come at a cost. The Kentucky governorship is a prime target … Read more

Republican donor retreat suggests Donald Trump is far from a coronation

Republican donor retreat suggests Donald Trump is far from a coronation

[ad_1] Without mentioning Trump’s name, Kemp pinned blame on the former president’s election loss grievances and warned that “not a single swing voter” will vote for a GOP nominee making such claims, calling 2020 “ancient history.” Kemp, who found himself the object of Trump’s ire after declining to intervene to reverse his Georgia loss in … Read more

Up close in Taiwan with the Republican who compared Xi to Hitler

Up close in Taiwan with the Republican who compared Xi to Hitler

[ad_1] McCaul is hardly alone in making saber-rattling comments about Taiwan while visiting East Asia. Most provocative may have been Mike Pompeo, the former secretary of State who previously served with McCaul in the House. Pompeo last year used a trip to Taiwan to call for the U.S. to recognize the island as an independent … Read more

This Korean American Republican is trying to educate her party — in the U.S. and abroad

This Korean American Republican is trying to educate her party — in the U.S. and abroad

[ad_1] It remains to be seen how comfortable the House GOP can be as a home for Steel and Kim, emigres from South Korea whose friendship long predates their service in Congress. These days, both represent districts that Democrats have targeted in recent campaigns. Steel acknowledged that the women’s entry into the congressional Republican ranks … Read more

Florida Republican apologizes after calling transgender people ‘mutants’

Florida Republican apologizes after calling transgender people ‘mutants’

[ad_1] Named the “Safety in Private Spaces Act,” Republican leaders in Florida are moving on the legislation that would require people to use restrooms and changing facilities according to their sex assigned at birth at places like schools and restaurants. After several speakers, some identifying as transgender, spoke out against the bill during public comment, … Read more

South Carolina Republican says to ignore FDA abortion pill ruling

South Carolina Republican says to ignore FDA abortion pill ruling

[ad_1] The ruling was appealed by the Biden administration as lawmakers, including Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), called on President Joe Biden to use his executive powers to protect the drugs’ availability even sooner. Hundreds of thousands of patients in the United States use the medication both for abortions and treating … Read more

The Republican Party is caught in an abortion trap

The Republican Party is caught in an abortion trap

[ad_1] Going back to the 1990s, Gallup polling showed Americans divided roughly evenly between those who called themselves “pro-life” and “pro-choice.” Exit polls from the 1990s and 2000s showed voters who said abortion or “moral values” were most important to their vote supported Republican candidates in greater numbers. But those surveys were conducted when a … Read more