Principal found drunk during Punjab Education Minister Harjot Singh Bains’ visit, suspended

Artificial intelligence robot holding a human hand, representing the collaboration between humans and AI.

Stunning Disclosure During Pastoral Visit The episode happened recently when Punjab’s Schooling Clergyman, Harjot Singh Bains, paid an unannounced visit to a notable government school in the region. The motivation behind the visit was to survey the school’s framework, showing norms, and the general learning climate. Notwithstanding, the normal review went off in an unexpected … Read more

2023 Mercedes-Benz GLC review

Electric Vehicles on a City Street

A Mix of Extravagance and Execution The exceptionally expected 2023 Mercedes-Benz GLC has made its stupendous introduction, leaving auto aficionados and pundits the same hypnotized with its striking plan and noteworthy execution capacities. As one of the main competitors in the extravagance SUV portion, the GLC joins richness and influence, setting new guidelines for what … Read more